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184 rezultate pentru "imse"

S and W Blends Story
S and W Blends Story Completați propoziția
Red Word Activities
Red Word Activities Roata aleatoare
Prosidy Emoji Style
Prosidy Emoji Style Roata aleatoare
nk Sentences
nk Sentences Chestionar concurs
Find the Open Syllables-IMSE
Find the Open Syllables-IMSE Lovește cârtița
BOOM! Fluency ai
BOOM! Fluency ai Cărți aleatorii
Ending Blends ct,ft,lt,nt,pt,st,xt
Ending Blends ct,ft,lt,nt,pt,st,xt Chestionar
-ff, -ll, -ss, and -zz
-ff, -ll, -ss, and -zz Roata aleatoare
"er" words
"er" words Deschide caseta
er, ir, ur words
er, ir, ur words Avion
"er" sentences cloze IMSE
"er" sentences cloze IMSE Completați propoziția
IMSE Prefix 1and 2
IMSE Prefix 1and 2 Găsește perechea
IMSE T Blends Sentences
IMSE T Blends Sentences Carduri flash
IMSE Letter T Words
IMSE Letter T Words Deschide caseta
Cat/Kite Rule
Cat/Kite Rule Lovește cârtița
IMSE Suffix 1 and 2
IMSE Suffix 1 and 2 Perechile
Red Words for IMSE Decodable Reader #10
Red Words for IMSE Decodable Reader #10 Perechile
IMSE Assessment: Phoneme Deletion of Final Sound
IMSE Assessment: Phoneme Deletion of Final Sound Deschide caseta
IMSE OG Red Words Stage K
IMSE OG Red Words Stage K Cărți aleatorii
ending t blends IMSE
ending t blends IMSE Deschide caseta
 w blends IMSE
w blends IMSE Cărți aleatorii
IMSE Other Ending Blends Sentences
IMSE Other Ending Blends Sentences Carduri flash
Whack bossy r, all sounds!
Whack bossy r, all sounds! Lovește cârtița
/er/ sound:  which one?
/er/ sound: which one? Găsește perechea
Magic  -e Sort with a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e
Magic -e Sort with a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e Sortare în funcție de grup
open the box Read those blends:  st and sp
open the box Read those blends: st and sp Deschide caseta
IMSE Letter Sounds B-Qu
IMSE Letter Sounds B-Qu Roata aleatoare
IMSE Red Words for Decodable Reader #1
IMSE Red Words for Decodable Reader #1 Perechile
OA Bingo Game
OA Bingo Game Carduri flash
Magic E - recipe for reading page 104
Magic E - recipe for reading page 104 Cărți aleatorii
 /OA/ Vowel team
/OA/ Vowel team Cărți aleatorii
R Blends Real Vs Nonsense Word Sort
R Blends Real Vs Nonsense Word Sort Sortare în funcție de grup
R Blends Words and Sentences
R Blends Words and Sentences Cărți aleatorii
"Er" boom words
"Er" boom words Cărți aleatorii
Prefixes IMSE
Prefixes IMSE Chestionar concurs
Letter T CVC Word Match
Letter T CVC Word Match Perechile
IMSE -tch
IMSE -tch Perechile
Letter H Match
Letter H Match Perechile
Letter W Match
Letter W Match Perechile
Letter M Match
Letter M Match Perechile
IMSE ow Cărți aleatorii
Letter G Match
Letter G Match Perechile
Letter D Match
Letter D Match Perechile
Letter A Match
Letter A Match Perechile
Letter L Match
Letter L Match Perechile
Greek Roots IMSE
Greek Roots IMSE Chestionar concurs
IMSE OU Reading
IMSE OU Reading Deschide caseta
Imse Prefix 3&4
Imse Prefix 3&4 Potrivește
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