Long vowels
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10.000+ rezultate pentru "long vowels"
Long A - Ai / Ay
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Long U
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Which one doesn't belong? (words with long a)
Chestionar concurs
LLI Red 11 Long A
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Short Vowel/Long Vowel (e/ee)
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Long Vowels
Cursa în labirint
long vowels
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Long vowels
Completați propoziția
long vowels
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Long Vowels
Chestionar cu imagini
Long Vowels
Lovește cârtița
Short Vowels and Long Vowels
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hit the moles with vowels
Lovește cârtița
long and short vowels
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long vowels i_e - 3
Găsește perechea
Long Vowels - igh sentences
Chestionar concurs
Short and Long Vowels
Găsește perechea
mixed short / long vowels
Roata aleatoare
long and short vowels
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Long Vowels i_e sentences
Short and Long Vowels
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long and short vowels
Adevărat sau fals
Long and Short Vowels Phonemic Awareness
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Short and Long Vowels
Long vs Short vowels
Chestionar concurs
Long Vowels - ea (Sentences)
Găsește perechea
Short or Long Vowels?
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long and short vowels
Sortare în funcție de grup
Long Vowels
Long Vowels
Long Vowels
Long Vowels - y as long i sound
Long Vowels - y (long i sound)
Long Vowels with Vowel Teams
Cărți aleatorii
Long Vowels - igh (task 2)
Sorting Long vs. Short vowels
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Cărți aleatorii
Long vowels /a/ /i/ /o/
Deschide caseta
Game Long O words
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short and Long Vowels
Deschide caseta
Andrew's Long o Spellings
Short vs. Long Vowels
Sortare în funcție de grup
Long Vowels - igh (3)
Găsește perechea
Long Vowels - oa (sentences)
Adevărat sau fals
Long and short vowels
Long Vowels - ai sentences
Completați propoziția
Long Vowels - ow sentences
Andrew's Long O practice
Sparge balonul
Long Vowels i_e sentences
Găsește perechea
Long or Short Vowels: Whack-a-mole
Lovește cârtița
Long Vowels silent e (mystery game)
Long Vowels/Magic E Cloze Passage (Kate)
Completați propoziția
Whack A Mole (Long and short vowels)
Lovește cârtița
5.1 Long/short vowels (open, closed, VCE)
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Long vowels mazes
Cursa în labirint
short /o/ cvc wds
a, o, i phrases
Găsește perechea
OOPS game with digraphs and blends
Cărți aleatorii
Unscramble these words with blends