

Exemple din comunitatea noastră

357 rezultate pentru "paf"

Inferences Chestionar
PAF 87 -ank -ink -onk
PAF 87 -ank -ink -onk Chestionar concurs
PAF 105 -er -est suffix review
PAF 105 -er -est suffix review Chestionar
 PAF 92  -ed suffix /ed/
PAF 92 -ed suffix /ed/ Carduri flash
ang, ing, ong, ung
ang, ing, ong, ung Roata aleatoare
PAF 87 ank, ink, onk, unk
PAF 87 ank, ink, onk, unk Lovește cârtița
PAF ang ong ing ung words
PAF ang ong ing ung words Rearanjează
words with -ck
words with -ck Chestionar
70 ch words
70 ch words Carduri flash
PAF 113 VC/V  V/CV
PAF 113 VC/V V/CV Chestionar
PAF 113 two syllable words
PAF 113 two syllable words Chestionar
Fact or Opinion
Fact or Opinion Sortare în funcție de grup
PAF tr- str- 119
PAF tr- str- 119 Potrivește
PAF 92 ed /ed/ sentences
PAF 92 ed /ed/ sentences Găsește perechea
PAF 111 word match
PAF 111 word match Găsește perechea
PAF Level 97 Open and Closed Syllable Balloon Drop
PAF Level 97 Open and Closed Syllable Balloon Drop Sparge balonul
PAF ang ong words
PAF ang ong words Roata aleatoare
CVC short vowel sort
CVC short vowel sort Sortare în funcție de grup
PAF 103 -ar-
PAF 103 -ar- Chestionar
PAF 67 -th-
PAF 67 -th- Carduri flash
PAF 97
PAF 97 Găsește perechea
Spell ai and ay words PAF 144
Spell ai and ay words PAF 144 Anagramă
Magic e
Magic e Chestionar concurs
Beginning Blends (l and r)
Beginning Blends (l and r) Roata aleatoare
PAF 107 sm- sn-
PAF 107 sm- sn- Carduri flash
er suffixes (comparing or a person)
er suffixes (comparing or a person) Sortare în funcție de grup
Sentence fill in with -ck words
Sentence fill in with -ck words Găsește perechea
112 st- blend
112 st- blend Carduri flash
98-100 pl- and gl-  bl-
98-100 pl- and gl- bl- Chestionar concurs
85 PAF ending blends -lf -nd -nt
85 PAF ending blends -lf -nd -nt Chestionar concurs
W ran-fed words
W ran-fed words Perechile
W - pet to bit words
W - pet to bit words Perechile
-nd and -lf WORDS
-nd and -lf WORDS Roata aleatoare
 PAF 111 word match
PAF 111 word match Cursa în labirint
PAF 81 VC/CV matchup
PAF 81 VC/CV matchup Potrivește
PAF 83-84 -lf -nd
PAF 83-84 -lf -nd Găsește perechea
PAF 102 "there" red word sentences
PAF 102 "there" red word sentences Găsește perechea
CVC all vowels
CVC all vowels Carduri flash
 PAF 27 (possessive s)
PAF 27 (possessive s) Câștigă sau pierde testul
PAF level 58 (FROM) sentence match
PAF level 58 (FROM) sentence match Găsește perechea
 PAF -nd  -nt  -lf  -st WORDS
PAF -nd -nt -lf -st WORDS Roata aleatoare
PAF 70 ch and tch review
PAF 70 ch and tch review Perechile
PAF 72 tch and ch
PAF 72 tch and ch Deschide caseta
PAF 97
PAF 97 Carduri flash
Review of th ch and ck
Review of th ch and ck Deschide caseta
106 two syllable word match
106 two syllable word match Deschide caseta
PAF 102 cl-
PAF 102 cl- Carduri flash
Word Magnets
Word Magnets Magneți de cuvinte
PAF -nd  -nt  -lf  WORDS
PAF -nd -nt -lf WORDS Roata aleatoare
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