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177 rezultate pentru "prayer"

Shema Words
Shema Words Roata aleatoare
Barchu Meanings
Barchu Meanings Diagramă etichetată
Torah Service Shema
Torah Service Shema Găsește perechea
Barchu Shema Bingo
Barchu Shema Bingo Roata aleatoare
Barchu Vs. Baruch
Barchu Vs. Baruch Lovește cârtița
Yotzer Or Meanings
Yotzer Or Meanings Sparge balonul
Barchu Rearanjează
Barchu Word Review
Barchu Word Review Deschide caseta
Mi Chamocha Prayer Jumble
Mi Chamocha Prayer Jumble Rearanjează
L'dor Vador Word Practice
L'dor Vador Word Practice Deschide caseta
Ashrei Rearanjează
Ashrei Potrivește
Nism B'chol Yom-English/Hebrew word Match
Nism B'chol Yom-English/Hebrew word Match Potrivește
Sh'ma & V'Ahavta fill in the blanks
Sh'ma & V'Ahavta fill in the blanks Chestionar
Hatikvah Order
Hatikvah Order Clasament
Hatikvah Word Match Up
Hatikvah Word Match Up Potrivește
V'Ahavta missing words
V'Ahavta missing words Completați propoziția
G'vurot: Words and prayer
G'vurot: Words and prayer Chestionar
Kedusha Clasament
My Prayer
My Prayer Găsește perechea
Prayerobics Potrivește
Nisim B’chol Yom
Nisim B’chol Yom Găsește perechea
kedusha Sparge balonul
Baruch She'amar - Anagram
Baruch She'amar - Anagram Anagramă
V'ahavta - jumble word by word
V'ahavta - jumble word by word Anagramă
The Wheel of Jewish Questions
The Wheel of Jewish Questions Roata aleatoare
Find Ldor Vador Words
Find Ldor Vador Words Lovește cârtița
Root the Find בּ־ר־כ
Root the Find בּ־ר־כ Sortare în funcție de grup
Avot Descriptions of God
Avot Descriptions of God Deschide caseta
Oh Vs OO sounds
Oh Vs OO sounds Sortare în funcție de grup
Hebrew Letter and Vowel Review
Hebrew Letter and Vowel Review Cursa în labirint
Hatikvah match the word meaning
Hatikvah match the word meaning Găsește perechea
Blessing Before the Haftarah
Blessing Before the Haftarah Potrivește
Adon Olam
Adon Olam Anagramă
Hatikvah first verse - put in word order - Hebrew only
Hatikvah first verse - put in word order - Hebrew only Clasament
Kedusha Potrivește
About Prayer
About Prayer Chestionar
Hatikvah second verse- word order
Hatikvah second verse- word order Clasament
HaTikvah missing words
HaTikvah missing words Completați propoziția
Hatikvah first verse - word order
Hatikvah first verse - word order Clasament
Prayer Themes
Prayer Themes Găsește perechea
Final Letters
Final Letters Sortare în funcție de grup
Ayn Chamocha Meanings
Ayn Chamocha Meanings Potrivește
Transliteration Match (Ashrei בּ)
Transliteration Match (Ashrei בּ) Găsește perechea
Ki Mitzion Meaning
Ki Mitzion Meaning Roata aleatoare
Purim Story Assignments 1st Period
Purim Story Assignments 1st Period Roata aleatoare
Blessing Before the Haftorah: Speaking Cards
Blessing Before the Haftorah: Speaking Cards Cărți aleatorii
Avot Descriptions of God
Avot Descriptions of God Cuvinte încrucişate
Adonai S'fatai
Adonai S'fatai Perechile
Jewish Holidays
Jewish Holidays Roata aleatoare
Jewish Middot
Jewish Middot Roata aleatoare
Speaking Cards: Blessing Formula Words
Speaking Cards: Blessing Formula Words Cărți aleatorii
Jewish Topics
Jewish Topics Roata aleatoare
Blessing Words - Translation Flash Cards
Blessing Words - Translation Flash Cards Carduri flash
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