dependent variable - result measured at the end of an experiment , independent variable - variable changed at the beginning to get a result , hypothesis - a testable statement , prediction - a statement relaying a possible outcome in the future, qualitative - an observation based on the five senses , quantitative - an observation based on numerical measurement , constant - a variable that is not allowed to change, frequency - the amount of times an event occurs , data - the qualitative and quantiative information gathered in an experiment, observation - information gathered by your five senses during a scientific investigation, scientific model - a simulation or demonstration of a process in nature created by scientists to explain or study natural phenomena, scientific experiment - a process by which scientists form, test, and make conclusions about a hypothesis, experimental group - the subjects of an experiment who receive the indepentned variable, control group - the group in a scientific experiment who do not receive the independent variable,

Nature of Science Terms Sc.8.N.1.1


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