Failure - /yer/ at the end is spelled U-R-E, Nature - /cher/ is spelled T-U-R-E, Pressure Exposure - /sure/ and /zure/ are spelled S-U-R-E, Distant - Distance - Replace ANT with ANCE, Absent - Absence - Replace ENT with ENCE, Defy - Defiance - Change Y to I and use ANCE, Balance - If no related word, look it up as ?NCE, Conversion - /zhun/ after a Vowel-R is spelled SION, Portion - /shun/ after a Vowel-R is spelled TION, Dollar Doctor - Any Vowel-R can say /er/ in a multi-syllable word, Commodore Sailor - /or/ at the end is spelled O-R-E, Want Water - /wah/ is spelled W-A, War Warning - /wor/ is spelled W-A-R, Worms Worry - /wer/ is spelled W-O-R, Quantity of Squash - /kwah/ is spelled Q-U-A, Quarrel - /kwor/ is spelled Q-U-A-R, Edward the Lizard - /werd/ at the end is W-A-R-D; /erd/ at the end is A-R-D, Deer Here Hear - Look up /ear/ as eer, Hair Hare Bear - Look up /air/ as air,

Book 7 Rules lessons 1-6


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