Malware - Software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system., Router - Is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks, LAN - Also known as Local Area Network. A small local area network of computers and devices., Routing Table - Data that is stored in a router in table format. It contains addresses of known networks (other routers), ones that have already been discovered and used. When a new, unknown network destination is discovered, the router will update its routing table., Packet - Individual chunk of data., Source Address - Where the pocket came from., Destination Address - Where the packet is going., Ping of Death - A malicious user sends a packet larger than the maximum size., Ping flood attack - Floods the system with too many packets, Packet Sniffer - Refers to the action of watching and analyzing network traffic at the packet level., Wireshark - Use to identify suspicious network traffic such as invalid data requests, packets from suspicious sources, and suspicious content. This helps them identify malware and malware attacks., Packet Filtering - In network security, it allows or denies packets based on source and destinations addresses, ports, or protocols., Login Machine -, Web Server -,
Lesson 2.3.1 - Stopping the Spread of Malware - Crossword Puzzle
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