bad-tempered  - often angry; in an angry mood, bossy  - always telling people what to do, cautious - not taking any risks, considerate  - careful not to hurt or upset others, eccentric  - ​considered to be strange or unusual, gullible  - naive; easily tricked , industrious  - hard-working and busy , insecure  - not confident about yourself, judgemental  - judging people and criticizing them too quick, outgoing  - sociable, selfless  - selfish , self-satisfied  - too pleased with yourself or your own achievements, shrewd  - clever at understanding and making judgements about a situation, stingy  - not generous, especially with money, stubborn  - difficult to change an opinion, sympathetic  - ind to somebody who is hurt or sad, untrustworthy  - who cannot be trusted, vain - too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements,

Personality adjectives


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