Christianity: Founder- Jesus, Sacred Text- The Holy Bible, Sacred Buildings -The Church, Holy Places- Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Rome, Lourdes, Canterbury, Number of followers: 2.2 Billion People, Name of God/s: God/ Jesus Christ, Islam: Place of Origin- Saudi Arabia, Founder- Chain of prophets starting with Adam, Sacred Text- The Qur’an, Sacred Buildings -The Mosque, Holy places- Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, Number of followers: 1.6 Billion People, Name of God/s: God (Allah), Judaism: Place of Origin- Israel, Founder-Abraham, Sacred Text- Hebrew Bible (including Torah), Sacred Buildings - Synagogue, Holy Places - Jerusalem, Number of followers: 12 Million People, Name of God/s: God (Yahweh),

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