Closed Syllable - This syllable has a vowel closed in by 1 or more consonants. The vowel is usually short., Open Syllable - This syllable type has 1 vowel at the end of word or syllable, the vowel is long., Vowel Team Syllable - This syllable has 2 vowels next to each other that make a long sound or create a new sound., R-Controlled Syllable - This syllable has a vowel followed by an R, the vowel is controlled by the R., Silent E Syllable - This syllable type has a vowel followed by a consonant and a silent e. The vowel is long., Consonant le Syllable Type - This syllable is only found at the end of a word, there is a consonant, l, and an e. The rule is to start at the e, count back 3, and divide.,

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