Prior Insurance Credit - Prevents loss of ‘credit’ for employees who had previous STD coverage with another carrier, Zero Day Residual - Allows the EP to be satisfied with days of partial and/or total disability, First Day Hospitalization - Benefits begin the 1st day the employee is hospital confined, Family Income/Survivor Benefit - Benefit paid to EE’s spouse or child if EE dies while receiving STD benefits, Portability - Standard on EE paid policies; Allow employee to continue coverage at the same rate when leaving their employer, Backdoor Integration - Allows employee to receive 100% of pre-dis earning when combining salary continuance/sick pay & STD, Reasonable Accommodation - Reimburses the employer for modification to the workplace, Partial Disability Definition - Employee must have a loss of duties and satisfy earning test, Rehabilitation Incentive - Pays an incentive if claimant participates in a rehab program,

STD Provision Reivew


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