1) What is the correct spelling? a) becase b) because c) becose d) becuz 2) What is the correct spelling? a) Wednesday b) Wensday c) Wednesdey d) Wensdaay 3) What is the correct spelling a) frende b) freind c) friend d) frinde 4) What is the correct spelling? a) delicous b) delishous c) delichous d) delicious 5) What is the correct spelling? a) lunge b) lunch c) lunsh d) launch 6) What is the correct spelling? a) vegtables b) vegetables c) vedgtabels d) vegtabels 7) What is the correct spelling? a) usaly b) usually c) ushualy d) usualy 8) What is the correct spelling? a) diferent b) diffrent c) different d) diferrent 9) What is the correct spelling? a) famliy b) famlee c) family d) famile 10) What is the correct spelling? a) countries b) cuontrys c) countres d) countrees

E2 common spelling errors


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