classical Conditioning - the theory that behaviors can be learned by associating two events with a response., operant conditioning - the theory that states that people tend to repeat behaviors that have a positive result or are reinforced, Ivan Pavlov - Russian psychologist known for his work in classical conditioning, Piaget, Jean - Swiss biologist and epistemologist who developed the theory of cognitive development, Conservation - the understanding that something stays the same in quantity even though its appearance changes, Object Permanence - understanding that objects continue to exist even when we can't actually see them, Behaviorist Theories - Belief that behavior is determined by forces in the environment and experience. , Law of Effect - Behavior followed by a pleasant consequence is likely to be repeated, while behavior followed by an unpleasant consequence will stop. , Skinner Box - Contraption used to test theory of Operant Conditioning. , Reinforcement - Consequence that increases behavior, Punishment - Consequence that decreases a behavior, Sensory Motor Stage - Learning occurs through the use of the senses, reflexes, and movement. , Pre-operational Stage - Children think symbolically, learning about the world through language and mental images. , Concrete Operational Stage - Logic and reason develop through concrete ideas. , Formal Operational Stage - The ability to think abstractly, think hypothetically, and use scientific reasoning. , Concrete Operational - Stage in which a child can fully understand Conservation, Sensory Motor - Stage at which object permanence develops. , Pre-operational - Stage dominated by egocentric thought., Formal Operational - Stage in which morals and ethics are most likely considered. , John Watson - Scientist who conducted the Little Albert Experiment.,

Behavior Theorists

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