1) решать, принимать решение a) decide b) soon c) travel in/about Russia d) next e) talk f) classmates 2) приглашать a) talk about the weather b) talk c) next d) soon e) country f) invite 3) присоединяться a) visit b) talk to the teacher c) decide d) join e) talk f) country 4) разговаривать a) talk b) try c) country d) decide e) classmates f) soon 5) путешествовать a) travel b) talk c) soon d) classmates e) country f) try 6) стараться, пытаться a) next Monday b) try c) talk to the teacher d) country e) talk f) classmates 7) посещать, навещать a) visit b) invite c) talk about the weather d) classmates e) country f) soon 8) одноклассники a) join b) classmates c) talk d) holiday e) country f) next Monday 9) страна a) tomorrow b) travel c) talk about the weather d) country e) next Monday f) talk 10) разговаривать с учителем a) visit b) soon c) tomorrow morning d) talk to the teacher e) talk about the weather f) next Monday 11) разговаривать о погоде a) tomorrow b) visit c) join d) place e) talk to the teacher f) talk about the weather 12) путешествовать по России a) travel in/about Russia b) tomorrow c) travel d) people e) talk about the weather 13) праздник, каникулы a) holiday b) visit c) country d) invite e) next Monday f) talk about the weather 14) люди a) country b) next Monday c) travel in/about Russia d) next e) join f) people 15) место a) holiday b) join c) place d) travel in/about Russia e) next Monday f) visit 16) скоро, вскоре a) talk about the weather b) holiday c) join d) soon e) tomorrow morning f) next 17) следующий; будущий; потом a) next b) talk c) people d) soon e) join f) visit 18) завтра a) talk about the weather b) soon c) country d) tomorrow e) tomorrow morning f) visit 19) завтра утром a) tomorrow b) next Monday c) talk about the weather d) country e) tomorrow morning f) visit 20) в следующий понедельник a) talk to the teacher b) talk about the weather c) classmates d) tomorrow morning e) next Tuesday f) next Monday


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