skirt - /skɝːt/: a piece of clothing for women that hangs from the waist and does not have legs, hat - /hæt/: an item to protect the head and the face from the sun, tie - /taɪ/: a long, thin piece of clothing men formally wear around the neck, shoes - /ʃuːs/: usually made of a strong material. You wear them on your feet., sweater - /ˈswet̬.ɚ/: You wear it when it is cold, Shirt - /ʃɝːt/: You wear it on the upper part of the body, pants - /pænts/: You wear it on the bottom part of the body, Socks -  /sɑːks/: a piece of clothing made from soft material that covers your foot, Baggy - ropa ancha o suelta, Tight - ropa ajusta o apretada, Checked - a cuadros, Striped - con rayas, Outfit - atuendo o pinta,

Clothing Vocab

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