I - my, he - his, you - your, she - her, it - its, we - our, they - their, my - мій, моя, моє, мої, your - твій, твоя, твоє, твої, his - його, her - її, its - його, її (тварини), від it-воно, our - наш, наша, наше, наші, their - їхнє, my phone - the blue phone is mine., your pen - this pen is yours., his bike - that bike is his., her flower - these flowers are hers., its bone - those bones are its., our car - this car is ours., your book - the book is yours., their book - the book is theirs., a boy's car - машинка хлопчика, boy's cars - машинки хлопчика, boys' cars - машинки хлопців, a boys' car - машинка хлопців, mother's book - мамина книга, father's phone - татовий телефон, Ann's book - Аніна книга, Ann and Mary's book - книжка Ані та Марії,



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