If you travel to another country you need to exchange hryvnas to BEEP. (local currency), If you need to see the information about you flight you need to look at BEEP. (departures board), Your documents are checked at BEEP. (passport control), At BEEP people check if you have any forbidden (заборонені) things with you. (metal detector at the security check), If people are afraid of flying they usually choose BEEP or BEEP seat. (an aisle or middle), I always choose a BEEP seat on a plane. I like looking at the clouds. (window), The airline lost my BEEP. Luckily, I had the most important things in my BEEP. (luggage ;carry-on), My flight was BEEP because of the weather conditions, so I had to stay in London for two more days. (delayed), An officer at the BEEP check asked me to empty my pockets and take off my shoes. (security), I keep all my tickets and BEEP as souvenirs. (boarding passes).
At the airport Student A (Beep)
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