Feudalism - Decentralized political organization, based on exchanges of land for loyalty., Chivalry - Wnwritten set of rules for conduct; honor, courtesy and bravery., Serfs - Peasants who were tied to the land, could not travel without Lords’ permission, Three Field System - crops rotated through separate fields, farmers could keep the soil healthier. , Hundred Year's War - Conflict between England and France; demonstrated the spread of gunpowder weapons, "The Great Schism" - Christian Church in Europe gets divided into two branches; Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, The Crusades - A series of European military campaigns (1095 - 1200) to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims., Marco Polo - Italian merchant, visited Beijing and shared his stories in Europe, Little Ice Age - Period where a suddenly colder climate reduced agriculture and limited trade.  , Renaissance - Rebirth of classic Greek & Roman culture (ex. Art, Literature, Civic Duty),

Feudal Europe Match-Up


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