what are the 4 parts of a computer - input, output, processing, and storage, what is a bit - the smallest piece of information, how many digits are there in the binary system  - 2, how is the number 9 represented in the binary system - 1001, how many wires are needed to store numbers from 0 to over 4 billion in the binary system - 32 wires, True or false: Text, images, and sound can also be represented by binary numbers. - true, what does a milling machine do - it makes 3d objects, what does a cpu stand for - central processing unit, what are 6 examples of computer hardware - Circuits, wires, chips, cpu, speakers, plugs, what are 4 examples of computer software - Games, apps, creative, websites, analysis, What is the operating system - The master program that manages how software uses the hardware of the computer,

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