(A café x a restaurant) "BOTH..., (A newspaper x an online newspaper) "NEITHER..., (A watch x a smartwatch) "... AND SO DOES THE..., (A house x an apartment) "... ON THE OTHER HAND, ..., (The beach x the mountains) "... WHILE..., (Traveling by plane x traveling by train) "A: ... B: YES, BUT ..., (A salad x a burger) "... HOWEVER, ..., (A metropolis x a small town) "BOTH... . HOWEVER, ..., (A desktop computer x a notebook computer) "NEITHER... . ON THE OTHER HAND, ..., (Learning English x learning Spanish) "... . ALSO, ..., (Shopping at a store x shopping at an online store) "... . ON THE OTHER HAND, ..., (Using a car x using a bus) "NEITHER ... . HOWEVER, ....

Extension 1_Cycle 2_Part 2_L13_Vocabulary


Cărți aleatorii este un șablon deschis. Nu generează scoruri pentru un clasament.

Stilul vizual


Comutare șablon

Restaurare activitate salvată automat: ?