accurate - without mistakes; having the right facts, boycott - to protest something by refusing to buy, use, or participate, discontent - not happy or peaceful, repeal - to undo or withdraw a law, protest - to show or express strong disagreement with or disapproval of something, liberty - freedom, Parliament - an assembly of the representatives of Great Britain, Sons of Liberty - a group of colonists who disagreed with British rule of the 13 colonies, intolerable - too painful or hard to be accepted, import - to bring in a product from another country to be sold, grievance - a complaint resulting from being treated unfairly; a reason for complaining about a situation, export - to send out a product to another country to be sold, stockpile - to collect materials to use in the future, rebel - a person who fights against a government,

CKLA Unit 7 Lessons 1-5 Vocabulary


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