1) Як я можу вам допомогти? a) For here or to go? b) Excuse me c) How can I help you? d) Could you pass me ...? 2) Я би хотів столик на ... a) Could you pass me ...? b) I am so hungry c) Let`s eat d) I would like a table for ... 3) Звичайно a) Of course b) Could you give us the menu? c) I am thirsty d) Anything else? 4) Ідіть за мною a) I`ll be right back with the bill b) Follow me c) Are you ready to order? d) Would you like something to dessert? 5) Це стіл на ... a) Here is a table for ... b) May I take your order? c) Would you like something to dessert? d) How can I help you? 6) Чи могли б ви дати нам меню? a) I`ll be right back b) Are you ready to order? c) It`s my favourite dish d) Could you give us the menu? 7) Візьміть (ось) a) I`ll be right back b) Let`s eat c) Here you are d) May I take your order? 8) Чи можу я принести вам щось попити? a) I am thirsty b) Would you like a starter? c) Can I get you anything to drink? d) Of course 9) Я зараз повернусь  a) It`s really yummy b) It`s my favourite dish c) I`ll be right back d) Can I get you anything to drink? 10) Чи готові ви замовити? a) Are you ready to order? b) Excuse me c) Let`s eat d) Can I bring you anything else? 11) Чи хотіли б ви закуску? a) Would you like a starter? b) May I take your order? c) Would you like something to dessert? d) It costs ... 12) На основну страву, я би хотів ... a) Here is your order b) For the main course, I would like .... c) I`ll be right back d) Here you are 13) Це пахне чудово a) It costs ... b) Would you like something to dessert? c) Excuse me d) It smells so great 14) Я дуже голодний a) Could you pass me ...? b) It costs ... c) Could you give us the menu? d) I am so hungry 15) Це моя улюблена страва a) Did you enjoy your meal? b) Follow me c) It`s my favourite dish d) Of course 16) Не міг би ти передати мені ...? a) I am thirsty b) Could you pass me ...? c) Anything else? d) I would like a table for ... 17) Чи сподобалась вам їжа? a) Did you enjoy your meal? b) Are you ready to order? c) It smells so great d) I`ll be right back 18) Чи хотіл б ви щось на десерт? a) Would you like something to dessert? b) Can I bring you anything else? c) It`s really yummy d) For the main course, I would like .... 19) Все вигладає чудово a) Can I bring you anything else? b) Everything looks great c) Did you enjoy your meal? d) Could you give us the menu? 20) Давайте їсти a) It`s really yummy b) Everything looks great c) Here you are d) Let`s eat 21) Я хочу пити a) May I take your order? b) I am so hungry c) I am thirsty d) Here is your order 22) Перепрошую a) Everything looks great b) Could you give us the menu? c) I`ll be right back d) Excuse me 23) Чи можу я принести вам щось ще? a) Can I bring you anything else? b) Are you ready to order? c) Could you give us the menu? d) For the main course, I would like .... 24) Я повернуся із чеком a) Can I bring you anything else? b) It`s really yummy c) I`ll be right back with the bill d) Could you pass me ...? 25) Чи можу я прийняти ваше замовлення? a) I`ll be right back with the bill b) May I take your order? c) Are you ready to order? d) Could you give us the menu? 26) Щось ще? a) I would like a table for ... b) Can I bring you anything else? c) Anything else? d) I am so hungry 27) Ви будете тут чи вам із собою? a) Let`s eat b) For here or to go? c) Anything else? d) I`ll be right back with the bill 28) Це коштує ... a) Would you like a starter? b) I would like a table for ... c) It costs ... d) Did you enjoy your meal? 29) Це ваше замовлення a) It`s my favourite dish b) How can I help you? c) Here is your order d) It smells so great 30) Це дійсно смачно a) Here is your order b) It`s really yummy c) Anything else? d) I`ll be right back

At the restaurant (phrases)


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