Romulus and Remus - twin brothers who supposedly founded Rome, Republic - a type of government in which people elect the leaders who govern them, Dictator - a leader with complete control or absolute power, Plebeians - common people, Patricians - powerful and wealthy nobles, Magistrate - elected officials from Rome's first government, Consul - one of two magistrates in Rome with the most power, Senate - Roman council of powerful and wealthy people who advised city leaders, Forum - public meeting place in Rome, Veto - to prohibit or block a certain law or action from taking place, Legion - organized groups of soldiers, Punic Wars - wars between Rome and Carthage, Julius Caesar - one of the most skilled and powerful generals in the history of Rome, Augustus - the first emperor of the Roman Empire who made many improvements to society, Province - a territory, Pax Romana - 200-year period of peace and stability within the Roman Empire, Constantine - Roman emperor who reunited the empire, founded Constantinople, and practiced religious tolerance, Roman Empire - vast empire with territories on parts of three continents, Byzantine Empire - society that developed in the eastern Roman Empire after the western Roman empire fell, Aqueduct - channel that carried water into cities from the mountains, Romance language - a language that developed out of Latin after the fall of Rome, such as Italian and Spanish, Gladiator - a trained fighter who fought to the death in an arena like the Coliseum, Satire - a writing style that makes fun of others or society in general,

Ancient Rome

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