term used as a request for urgency - ASAP, lodging for military - billeting, small group of trained officers and enlisted personnel - cadre, container for carrying water - canteen, to resume or continue an activity - carry on, food - chow, used when giving a deadline referring to the end of the day - COB, military headgear or hat - cover, special or temporary duty or assignment - detail, to take one’s place in a military formation - fall in, to leave or be dismissed from a military formation - fall out, to immediately stop doing something and hold a position - freeze, abbreviation used in emails, texts and other written correspondence to point out useful information - FYI, equipment - gear, phrase indicating preparedness and ready for action - good to go, watch out; pay attention; be ready for; be aware of - heads up, kilometer - klick, restroom or toilet - latrine, abbreviation used when giving a deadline - NLT, cloth worn on military uniforms which displays unit insignia, rank or national flag - patch, the person representing an organization or unit for a specific task, activity, or program - POC, housing or lodging on a military base - quarters, acknowledgement that a communication has been received and understood - roger / roger that, list of members of a unit or class - roster, an imaginary but possible situation created for training purposes - scenario, organized; neat in appearance; in good shape; solution to problem found - squared away,

M106 Unit 1 Vocabulary


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