1) Apples turn orange. Pumpkins turn red. Leaves float up into blue sky overhead. 2) Bears gather nuts. 3) Geese hibernate. 4) Squirrels fly south. 5) Scarecrows stand guard over candy cane sprouts. 6) Milkweed pods open and monarchs fly out. 7) Kids leap in great heaping piles of sticks. 8) Hats cover hands. Gloves cover ears.  9) Bonfires cool off our fronts and our rears. 10) Warm apply syrup. Baked mapple seeds. 11) Caramel pumpkins taste yummy indeed. 12) Wolves say Meow. Black cats say Whoo. Horned owls howl at the full moon -How- OOO 13) Vampires ride brooms. 14) Mummies go bats. 15) Neighbours give stuffing and drumsticks for treats 16) Family give thanks for a bounty of sweets.


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