Fertile Crescent - a large region of rich farmland near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea, silt - a mixture of small rocks and soil, civilization - the society, culture, and way of life in a particular region, irrigation - the method of supplying water to an area of land or crops, canals - waterways made by humans, surplus - more than what is needed, division of labor - an arrangement in which workers specialize in a particular task, rural - an area of countryside, rather than a town or city, urban - an area referring to a town or city, city-state - a political unit with a city and the surrounding area, Gilgamesh - King of Uruk and protagonist from the Epic of Gilgamesh, Sargon - Akkadian leader who established the world's first empire, empire - territories and groups of people under a single rule, polytheism - the worship of many gods, social hierarchy - the division of society by rank or class, Cuneiform - the world's first system of writing, pictographs - picture symbols, scribe - writer, Epics - long poems that tell the stories of heroes, architecture - the practice of designing and constructing buildings, ziggurat - A pyramid shaped temple tower, Hammurabi - Babylonian king responsible for the Code of Hammurabi, a famous law code, monarch - a ruler of a kingdom or empire, Hammurabi's Code - famous collection of 282 written laws that governed Babylonian society, chariot - A wheeled, horse-drawn cart used in battle, Cyrus the Great - Persian leader who conquered large amount of territory to form the world's largest empire at that time, Darius I - Persian leader who improved society with political organization, art, road construction, and more, Persian Wars - a series of wars between Persia and Greece, cavalry - a group of soldiers who ride horses,

Mesopotamia Power Words

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