1) When the angle of a joint is decreased a) flexion b) extension c) lateral d) medial 2) when the angle of a joint is increased a) medial b) extension c) lateral d) flexion 3) moving your leg or arm toward the mid-line (middle) of the body a) flextion b) extension c) adduction d) abduction 4) moving your leg or arm AWAY FROM the mid-line (middle) of the body a) adduction b) abduction c) medial d) pronation 5) meaning toward the middle of the body a) lateral b) medial c) flexion d) extension 6) meaning AWAY FROM the middle of the body, towards the outside a) medial b) flexion c) extension d) lateral 7) two terms that mean the front of the body a) anterior b) posterior c) medial d) lateral e) ventral 8) two terms that mean the back of the body a) anterior b) posterior c) dorsal d) ventral e) medial 9) higher in the body, toward the head a) inferior b) superior c) dorsal d) ventral 10) lower in the body, toward the feet a) superior b) dorsal c) inferior d) medial 11) rotating the hand, palms down a) supination b) pronation c) adduction d) lateral 12) rotating the hand, palms up a) supination b) pronation c) lateral d) medial 13) bone of the upper arm a) humerus b) femur c) tibia d) clavicle 14) bone of the thigh a) femur b) humerus c) tibia d) fibula 15) two bones in the lower leg (shin) a) tibia b) fibula c) ulna d) radius 16) the two bones in the lower arm (forearm) a) radius b) ulna c) femur d) tibia 17) bone covering the knee (kneecap) a) patella b) clavicle c) sternum d) tibia 18) 3 parts of the sternum a) manubrium b) xiphoid process c) body of the sternum d) clavicle 19) collar bone a) clavicle b) sternum c) humerus d) rib cage 20) bones that protect your organs ( heart, lungs,etc..) a) rib cage b) clavicle c) humerus d) tibia

Fitness / bones vocabulary


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