1) One of the key things to think about when you're taking a travel selfie is to remember what's behind you. If you're taking a selfie with the Eiffel Tower, you don't want to place yourself where the tower looks like it's growing out of your head. Be mindful in a busy environment of other people in your shot. Just make sure you don't have anyone making any nasty hand gestures or pulling any funny faces. Trust me, you think you have the perfect shot then up pops a random tourist with their tongue out and ruins your picture - not a good look. a) hold steady b) remember about your background c) light it up d) avoid people e) don't over-edit f) enjoy the moment 2) If you want all of the Eiffel Tower or the Leaning Tower of Pisa in your shot, you may have to think about holding the camera lower down so that the angle faces up. It's something to be aware of when looking at taking portrait selfies with tall monuments or buildings. Be creative; try tilting the camera slightly to fit everything in and to ensure you capture the best image of you and the best background. a) light it up b) relax wherever you are c) remember about your background d) adjust angles e) hold steady f) don't over-edit 3) There is nothing worse than taking a great selfie and then looking back at it and it's blurred and unclear. It can be difficult to keep the phone still and push the button on the screen at the same time. If it's possible, use your external button (depending on what phone you have). That way, you are not trying to do hand yoga with your camera while trying to take the image. a) hold steady b) adjust angles c) don't over-edit d) relax wherever you are e) enjoy the moment f) avoid people 4) Too many times I see pouting or over-posed selfies. In a travel selfie, we are trying to capture a memory. You might never get back to this special location again in your life, so the last thing you want is a picture of a wonderful moment and location with you pouting or pulling a funny face. Relax, smile naturally, and remember where you are. Take in the wonder of that special location and enjoy who and where you are at that time. The picture will reflect you if you are truly natural and yourself. a) light it up b) don't over-edit c) adjust angles d) relax wherever you are e) avoid people f) enjoy the moment 5) If you've managed to get the best light for your selfie, then in reality you won't need to edit it. Remember you are trying to take a picture that encapsulates the memory of your travel experience, so a lot of editing can actually make that memory completely different or false. If you feel a little extra saturation may be a help, or changing the image to black and white will help with over exposure, then these are the only things I would edit, along with a little cropping. a) adjust angles b) avoid people c) don't over-edit d) relax wherever you are e) light it up f) hold steady

5 tips for taking the perfect selfie on your travels (reading)


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