1) - Do you find that being occupied with certain activities helps you manage stress or anxiety? 2) - Have you had any realisations about your emotions or behaviours recently? 3) - How do these realisations impact the way you approach challenges or situations in your life? 4) - Can you recall a recent experience where you felt underwhelmed or disappointed? 5) - How did you cope with those feelings of being underwhelmed? 6) - What activities or hobbies make you lose track of time the most? 7) - How do you feel when you realize you've lost track of time? 8) - Have you ever experienced a situation that heightened your awareness of yourself or your surroundings? 9) - How did that experience impact your thoughts or feelings in the moment? 10) - What strategies or activities make it easy for you to relax and unwind? 11) - How do these activities contribute to your overall well-being? 12) - When you have free time, what activities do you typically engage in to occupy yourself? 13) - How do these activities impact your mood or mindset? 14) - When you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, do you tend to binge-watch TV shows or engage in other forms of distraction? 15) - How do you typically unwind after a busy or stressful day? 16) - Do you notice any habits, like fidgeting with your hands or withdrawing into yourself, when you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed? 17) - What activities or tasks typically occupy your time on a daily basis?

mental health


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