Pace - the speed at which somebody/something walks, runs or moves, Spread - to cover, or to make something cover, a larger and larger area, Billion - 1 000 000 000; one thousand million, Spiral limb - curved spiral sections that are connected to the center of a spiral galaxy., Barely - in a way that is just possible but only with difficulty, Diverse - very different from each other and of various kinds, Dot - a small round mark, Universe - the whole of space and everything in it, including the earth, the planets and the stars, Dwarves - small planets but lacking certain technical criteria that are required to be planets, Harbour - shelter or hide, Alien - a person who is not a citizen of the country in which they live or work, Parasites - organism that lives on or inside another animal or plant and gets its food from it,

Teen Choices Unit 3 Song


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