MELODY- The melody is mostly ____ (moving in step) and includes occasional use of the ____ scale. MELODY- The pitch ____ of the vocal line is just less than two ____ on the printed score, but it is wider on the recording with the vocal ____ towards the end of the song. ARTICULATION- The word-setting is mainly ____ with occasional use of ____. DYNAMICS- Most of the song is ____ whilst the choruses are ____. TEMPO- The tempo is ____. TONALITY- The majority of the song is in ____ whilst the choruses are all in ____. FORM/STRUCTURE- Africa is written in ____ form. HARMONY- The harmony of 'Africa' can be described as ____ throughout. INSTRUMENTATION/SONORITIES- Africa is performed by a ____. This includes drum kit with additional ____, lead and ____ guitars, synthesizers, ____ lead vocals and male ____ vocals. RHYTHM- Africa uses ____ rhythms, consisting almost totally of ____, with constant use of ____. METRE- The time signature is ____ (____ time) throughout. TEXTURE- The texture is ____. This is a type of ____ texture.

Eduqas- Toto 'Africa' Quiz


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