

Примеры из нашего сообщества

28 результатов для 'ela'

collective nouns 20.2.17
collective nouns 20.2.17 Сопоставить
COLORS Викторина
Academy Stars 2 - Unit 2 - Lesson 4
Academy Stars 2 - Unit 2 - Lesson 4 Сопоставить
Is the sentence about diet or appearance?
Is the sentence about diet or appearance? Викторина
Who is the is the subject?
Who is the is the subject? Викторина
Appearance, diet & habitat sorting game
Appearance, diet & habitat sorting game Викторина
Fact vs Opinions
Fact vs Opinions Викторина
Cwis Ela
Cwis Ela Согласующиеся пары
Geirfa allweddol Ulw Ela
Geirfa allweddol Ulw Ela Сопоставить
ELA Final Exam Review 2
ELA Final Exam Review 2 Сопоставить
Figurative Language Practice #1 (6PA~ELA 2023)
Figurative Language Practice #1 (6PA~ELA 2023) Групповая сортировка
Figurative Language Practice #2 (6PA~ELA 2023)
Figurative Language Practice #2 (6PA~ELA 2023) Групповая сортировка
Week 17 ELA LEARN Starter - American/British words crossword
Week 17 ELA LEARN Starter - American/British words crossword Кроссворд
Unit 1. Farm animals. Maze chase
Unit 1. Farm animals. Maze chase Погоня в лабиринте
Noun + Are + Noun: Plural
Noun + Are + Noun: Plural Сопоставить
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and Vegetables Групповая сортировка
IN ON AT - time
IN ON AT - time Викторина
Present Simple
Present Simple Викторина
Comparatives Закончите предложение
Unit 3, week 2, Context clues, Benchmark Advance, Grade 5
Unit 3, week 2, Context clues, Benchmark Advance, Grade 5 Флэш-карты
Unit 2, week 2, Closed Syllable sort, Benchmark Advance, Grade 5
Unit 2, week 2, Closed Syllable sort, Benchmark Advance, Grade 5 Групповая сортировка
My home
My home Правда или ложь
Unit 2, week 3, Open syllable, Benchmark Advance, Grade 5
Unit 2, week 3, Open syllable, Benchmark Advance, Grade 5 Групповая сортировка
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