
English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) Present Perfect Tense

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10 000+ результатов для 'esol present perfect tense'

Past simple or Present Perfect?
Past simple or Present Perfect? Викторина
How have you been - Present Perfect tense speaking practice
How have you been - Present Perfect tense speaking practice Случайные карты
Present continuous
Present continuous Закончите предложение
present simple - Wh questions
present simple - Wh questions Викторина
Present simple - closed questions
Present simple - closed questions Викторина
Present Simple Negative
Present Simple Negative Групповая сортировка
Present simple (affirmative statements)
Present simple (affirmative statements) Викторина
Present simple - auxiliary  do/does (negatives, questions)
Present simple - auxiliary do/does (negatives, questions) Закончите предложение
Past simple or Present Perfect?
Past simple or Present Perfect? Викторина
Present Simple - Correct / Incorrect
Present Simple - Correct / Incorrect Викторина
Conjugation - Present Simple
Conjugation - Present Simple Викторина
Present continuous tense (I, you,he she)_10 common verbs
Present continuous tense (I, you,he she)_10 common verbs Викторина
Present continuous tense
Present continuous tense Викторина
JUST, ALREADY, YET Закончите предложение
present perfect continuous tense
present perfect continuous tense Привести в порядок
Present perfect + / - / ?
Present perfect + / - / ? Привести в порядок
Past participle (wheel)
Past participle (wheel) Случайное колесо
ESOL E3 Present Perfect + for/since
ESOL E3 Present Perfect + for/since Закончите предложение
Tenses - Missing Word
Tenses - Missing Word Закончите предложение
Game 1  Present tense - Correct / Incorrect
Game 1 Present tense - Correct / Incorrect Викторина
The Present Perfect Tense
The Present Perfect Tense Случайное колесо
Present Simple : + / - / ?
Present Simple : + / - / ? Викторина
Present Perfect Continuous - Complete the sentences
Present Perfect Continuous - Complete the sentences Викторина
 Entry 2 Conjunctions - and, so, or, but, because / as
Entry 2 Conjunctions - and, so, or, but, because / as Викторина
Present Simple Tense (subject + verb)
Present Simple Tense (subject + verb) Викторина
Present Perfect Speaking
Present Perfect Speaking Случайное колесо
V1, V2 or V3 Sorting Task
V1, V2 or V3 Sorting Task Групповая сортировка
Present Perfect exercises
Present Perfect exercises Закончите предложение
Present Perfect Simple: Word Unjumble
Present Perfect Simple: Word Unjumble Привести в порядок
Present Perfect questions- Entry 3- Task 2 S&L exam
Present Perfect questions- Entry 3- Task 2 S&L exam Привести в порядок
Present perfect tense Group sort
Present perfect tense Group sort Групповая сортировка
Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense Случайные карты
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Найди пару
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs) Сопоставить
Daily Routine Pictures Cards
Daily Routine Pictures Cards Случайные карты
 Do VS Be verbs
Do VS Be verbs Групповая сортировка
E1 Present Simple
E1 Present Simple Закончите предложение
Be or Do?
Be or Do? Групповая сортировка
French perfect tense
French perfect tense Сопоставить
French perfect tense
French perfect tense Сопоставить
Homophones for L1 ESOL
Homophones for L1 ESOL Викторина
Present simle and present continuous questions
Present simle and present continuous questions Случайное колесо
Esol english
Esol english Сопоставить
ESOL Привести в порядок
Daily Routine
Daily Routine Привести в порядок
Present perfect 1
Present perfect 1 Викторина
Present Perfect - Answering Questions
Present Perfect - Answering Questions Случайное колесо
Present perfect continuous questions
Present perfect continuous questions Случайные карты
Present Perfect Questions
Present Perfect Questions Случайное колесо
present perfect tense
present perfect tense Викторина
Present perfect continuous Guessing cards
Present perfect continuous Guessing cards Откройте поле
Present simple sentences - ESOL - E1
Present simple sentences - ESOL - E1 Привести в порядок
Past Simple or Present Perfect
Past Simple or Present Perfect Откройте поле
Perfect Tense  -  Ferien
Perfect Tense - Ferien Групповая сортировка
PRESENT PERFECT Случайное колесо
Perfect tense - holidays
Perfect tense - holidays Закончите предложение
Present perfect
Present perfect Викторина
PRESENT PERFECT quiz Викторина
от Анонимный
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