
Primary English Phonics Oxford 5

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Blends  Phase 4 and 5 Phonics Set 1
Blends Phase 4 and 5 Phonics Set 1 Анаграмма
Match the CVC word to the picture
Match the CVC word to the picture Найди пару
Phase 5 ay ou ie ea
Phase 5 ay ou ie ea Сопоставить
CVC word match - find the correct word for each picture
CVC word match - find the correct word for each picture Викторина
CVC Jumble - My letters are in a muddle. Can you put the letters in the correct order to make the word?
CVC Jumble - My letters are in a muddle. Can you put the letters in the correct order to make the word? Анаграмма
CVC 3 Blending and speedy reading - phonemes a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i,  j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, w, y
CVC 3 Blending and speedy reading - phonemes a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, w, y Случайные карты
00. magic e (u)
00. magic e (u) Анаграмма
Short or long e sound
Short or long e sound Групповая сортировка
English alphabet
English alphabet Сопоставить
FF1_U4 - Jobs
FF1_U4 - Jobs Правда или ложь
Christmas vocabulary
Christmas vocabulary Викторина с изображением
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Викторина
o'clock / half past / quarter past /quarter to
o'clock / half past / quarter past /quarter to Викторина
was / were
was / were Викторина
Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns Групповая сортировка
Must and Mustn't
Must and Mustn't Правда или ложь
Jobs Найди пару
Halloween (vocabulary)
Halloween (vocabulary) Викторина с изображением
Picture Questions A2
Picture Questions A2 Откройте поле
Clothes Найди пару
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Сбить воздушный шар
Opposites Найди пару
have|has Викторина
Halloween (A1-A2) vocabulary
Halloween (A1-A2) vocabulary Сопоставить
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Викторина
Nouns Групповая сортировка
PETS Викторина с изображением
Primary - Weather revision
Primary - Weather revision Сбить воздушный шар
Phase 2/3 Recap Game
Phase 2/3 Recap Game Случайные карты
Digraphs (ch, th, sh)
Digraphs (ch, th, sh) Анаграмма
Short vowels
Short vowels Сопоставить
Phase 5 Phonics digraphs
Phase 5 Phonics digraphs Найди пару
Phonics word wheel phase 5
Phonics word wheel phase 5 Случайное колесо
Pronouns Викторина
Homophones in Context
Homophones in Context Закончите предложение
aw/or Викторина
Emotions Найди пару
Comparatives Случайные карты
Noun, Adjective or Verb?
Noun, Adjective or Verb? Групповая сортировка
Phase 3 Tricky Words
Phase 3 Tricky Words Случайное колесо
Phonics 'sh' words
Phonics 'sh' words Ударь крота
FF2_U13_Bigger or smaller? Taller or shorter?
FF2_U13_Bigger or smaller? Taller or shorter? Викторина
Unscramble ABC
Unscramble ABC Привести в порядок
Academy Stars 1 Unit 1 (2)
Academy Stars 1 Unit 1 (2) Сопоставить
Soft C Hard C
Soft C Hard C Правда или ложь
Is it/ It is
Is it/ It is Викторина
 Warm-up personal questions
Warm-up personal questions Случайное колесо
FF2 (Unit 1/ grammar)
FF2 (Unit 1/ grammar) Викторина
COLOURS Найди пару
Numbers! 1-100
Numbers! 1-100 Сбить воздушный шар
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.4
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.4 Найди пару
School Subjects
School Subjects Сопоставить
Solutions inter (Unit Introduction, speaking)
Solutions inter (Unit Introduction, speaking) Случайное колесо
SUMMER Согласующиеся пары
School objects
School objects Викторина
Time- half, quarter..
Time- half, quarter.. Случайное колесо
Daily routines anagram
Daily routines anagram Анаграмма
CVC rhyming family words ‘at’
CVC rhyming family words ‘at’ Ударь крота
CVC 1 Blending with phonemes s, m, a, c, t, p, g, o
CVC 1 Blending with phonemes s, m, a, c, t, p, g, o Случайные карты
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