
Secondary English Speaking

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10 000+ результатов для 'secondary english speaking'

health speaking cards
health speaking cards Случайные карты
Comparatives Случайные карты
Charity+ volunteering speaking topics
Charity+ volunteering speaking topics Случайные карты
Used to speaking cards
Used to speaking cards Случайные карты
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you? Случайные карты
Was/were Групповая сортировка
Own it! 4 Unit 2 Explaining how to use something
Own it! 4 Unit 2 Explaining how to use something Перевернуть плитки
food discussion
food discussion Случайные карты
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute)
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) Случайные карты
News speaking cards
News speaking cards Случайные карты
What if...?
What if...? Откройте поле
Tick Yes or No.
Tick Yes or No. Случайные карты
First & Second Conditional matching
First & Second Conditional matching Викторина
Zero, first and Second Conditional
Zero, first and Second Conditional Викторина
Have got/has got +, -, ?
Have got/has got +, -, ? Викторина
adjectives to describe a person
adjectives to describe a person Сопоставить
Periodic table
Periodic table Диаграмма с метками
SPEAKING WHEEL (random topics)
SPEAKING WHEEL (random topics) Случайное колесо
Conditionals Случайные карты
B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards
B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards Случайные карты
Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you)
Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you) Случайные карты
GG4 verbs irregular/regular
GG4 verbs irregular/regular Случайные карты
Past simple and past continuous
Past simple and past continuous Случайные карты
Colour and write the letters.
Colour and write the letters. Случайные карты
Where is the mouse? Listen and colour.
Where is the mouse? Listen and colour. Случайные карты
Letters 1-7
Letters 1-7 Случайные карты
Listen and colour. Use red, green, blue and yellow.
Listen and colour. Use red, green, blue and yellow. Случайные карты
Флепы 6.1
Флепы 6.1 Случайные карты
Draw a spider.
Draw a spider. Случайные карты
Words 1-3
Words 1-3 Случайные карты
words 4
words 4 Случайные карты
SpaG Challenge
SpaG Challenge Случайные карты
Simile or Metaphor?
Simile or Metaphor? Групповая сортировка
Inference 3
Inference 3 Викторина
Genre Match Up
Genre Match Up Сопоставить
Own it! 4 unit 2 parts of the objects
Own it! 4 unit 2 parts of the objects Диаграмма с метками
Own it! 2 Unit 3 Feelings
Own it! 2 Unit 3 Feelings Сопоставить
Own it! 4 Unit 2 Parts of objects
Own it! 4 Unit 2 Parts of objects Кроссворд
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 2 ( a phrase - a picture)
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 2 ( a phrase - a picture) Сопоставить
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 1 (2 halves of a phrase)
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 1 (2 halves of a phrase) Сопоставить
 Past perfect
Past perfect Викторина
Who says this? GG3 U2.4
Who says this? GG3 U2.4 Групповая сортировка
Social Media Quiz
Social Media Quiz Викторина
Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous Привести в порядок
Chromatography Диаграмма с метками
synonyms Сопоставить
Own it! 4 Unit 3 Cooking Verbs
Own it! 4 Unit 3 Cooking Verbs Диаграмма с метками
Questions about work and jobs
Questions about work and jobs Случайное колесо
Random Questions (Elem.)
Random Questions (Elem.) Случайные карты
Numbers 1-10 random cards /numbers and letters
Numbers 1-10 random cards /numbers and letters Случайные карты
Reported speech - questions
Reported speech - questions Случайные карты
ESOL: Relative Pronoun Practice
ESOL: Relative Pronoun Practice Викторина "Игровое шоу"
zero conditional speaking
zero conditional speaking Случайное колесо
Unit 6/1 Vocabulary
Unit 6/1 Vocabulary Случайные карты
Christmas video
Christmas video Сопоставить
Commonly confused words
Commonly confused words Викторина
Present Simple: speaking
Present Simple: speaking Случайные карты
Relative Clauses Speaking
Relative Clauses Speaking Случайные карты
Verbs, nouns & adjectives
Verbs, nouns & adjectives Случайные карты
What were you doing?
What were you doing? Случайные карты
Восстановить автоматически сохраненное: ?