
8-й класс English / ESL

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Wider World 3 Un5.4 1st Condit Questions
Wider World 3 Un5.4 1st Condit Questions Случайные карты
5.3 Phrasal verbs with "up"
5.3 Phrasal verbs with "up" Найди пару
Gateway B1 unit 8 vocabulary
Gateway B1 unit 8 vocabulary Сопоставить
Solutions Intermediate - Unit 1C (SB ex. 4)
Solutions Intermediate - Unit 1C (SB ex. 4) Викторина
Gateway A1+. Unit 6. Vocabulary: Clothes
Gateway A1+. Unit 6. Vocabulary: Clothes Угадай буквы
Gateway B1. Unit 2. Vocabulary: detective work
Gateway B1. Unit 2. Vocabulary: detective work Флэш-карты
Present Times. Verb forms
Present Times. Verb forms Групповая сортировка
Phrasal verbs Solutions intermediate Unit 1E
Phrasal verbs Solutions intermediate Unit 1E Закончите предложение
Present Perfect Continuous VS Present Perfect (part 2)
Present Perfect Continuous VS Present Perfect (part 2) Сопоставить
Focus 2 Unit 3.1 the Arts
Focus 2 Unit 3.1 the Arts Групповая сортировка
Wider World 3 Unit 5.4 First Conditional
Wider World 3 Unit 5.4 First Conditional Викторина
Spotlight 8 Socialising Module 1b Everyday english
Spotlight 8 Socialising Module 1b Everyday english Сопоставить
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Present Perfect vs Past Simple Викторина
8. Passive Voice Spotlight 8/9
8. Passive Voice Spotlight 8/9 Викторина
Gateway to the world b1+ Appearance and Personality
Gateway to the world b1+ Appearance and Personality Случайные карты
Future Tenses
Future Tenses Случайные карты
Will or to be going to
Will or to be going to Викторина
solutions elementary 3rd unit 7A
solutions elementary 3rd unit 7A Случайные карты
IRREGULAR VERBS part 1 Викторина
Gateway A2 unit 6
Gateway A2 unit 6 Анаграмма
GG3 5.4
GG3 5.4 Закончите предложение
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs Викторина
Text messages abbreviations
Text messages abbreviations Сопоставить
Present Tenses
Present Tenses Случайные карты
Gateway B2 Unit 2 Vocabulary
Gateway B2 Unit 2 Vocabulary Сопоставить
Present Simple sentences.
Present Simple sentences. Привести в порядок
Infinitive VS Gerund
Infinitive VS Gerund Викторина
Halloween Quiz
Halloween Quiz Викторина
"Harry Potter" Past Simple
"Harry Potter" Past Simple Викторина
Spotlight 8, Module 2 Прилагательные
Spotlight 8, Module 2 Прилагательные Сопоставить
Past Modals of deduction
Past Modals of deduction Викторина
Module 5b Global issues
Module 5b Global issues Викторина
I have never V3 before
I have never V3 before Случайные карты
Harry Potter's furniture.
Harry Potter's furniture. Диаграмма с метками
Present perfect speaking
Present perfect speaking Случайные карты
Глаголы, после которых употребляется Gerund
Глаголы, после которых употребляется Gerund Сопоставить
Тест на знание времен в английском
Тест на знание времен в английском Викторина "Игровое шоу"
EO4_unit 1_past perfect
EO4_unit 1_past perfect Случайные карты
solutions Pre-int 7D
solutions Pre-int 7D Викторина
EO3_unit 3_musical instruments
EO3_unit 3_musical instruments Сопоставить
Seaking cards I Conversation Questions for A1 – Elementary
Seaking cards I Conversation Questions for A1 – Elementary Случайные карты
SM5_unit 7_present perfcet + just
SM5_unit 7_present perfcet + just Привести в порядок
Solutions Elementary 1H Personality adjectives
Solutions Elementary 1H Personality adjectives Случайные карты
Времена Групповая сортировка
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple_adverbs of frequency
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple_adverbs of frequency Групповая сортировка
Prepare 1, 2 Present Continuous/Present Simple for kids
Prepare 1, 2 Present Continuous/Present Simple for kids Групповая сортировка
Solutions Elm 5E travel collocations
Solutions Elm 5E travel collocations Случайные карты
Rainbow English 8 Unit 1 Step 4 ex 4
Rainbow English 8 Unit 1 Step 4 ex 4 Групповая сортировка
Famous Russian People
Famous Russian People Сопоставить
Many/much, a little/a few
Many/much, a little/a few Диаграмма с метками
Solutions Pre-Intermediate unit 2B Past Simple, was/were
Solutions Pre-Intermediate unit 2B Past Simple, was/were Викторина
A new look - appearance, personality (Focus 3 Unit 1.1)
A new look - appearance, personality (Focus 3 Unit 1.1) Сопоставить
Starlight 8, Unit 1a, "Volcano chasers"
Starlight 8, Unit 1a, "Volcano chasers" Найди пару
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple Групповая сортировка
This These Those That
This These Those That Найди пару
Past Times. Verb forms
Past Times. Verb forms Групповая сортировка
Focus 1 At Home rooms, furniture
Focus 1 At Home rooms, furniture Диаграмма с метками
Go Getter 4 2.3 MUST/HAVE TO/COULD/HAD TO Случайные карты
5 types of questions
5 types of questions Привести в порядок
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