
Conversation the lexical approach

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10 000+ результатов для 'conversation the lexical approach'

New year's holiday [speaking - YLE]
New year's holiday [speaking - YLE] Сопоставить
A2/KET Speaking: Useful Language for The Collaborative task
A2/KET Speaking: Useful Language for The Collaborative task Групповая сортировка
Fun for Movers: Clothes/likes and dislikes matching
Fun for Movers: Clothes/likes and dislikes matching Диаграмма с метками
CAE/C1 - Speaking part 3: Collaborative task useful language
CAE/C1 - Speaking part 3: Collaborative task useful language Групповая сортировка
Healthy living collocations [Gateway B2/UNIT6] Part 1
Healthy living collocations [Gateway B2/UNIT6] Part 1 Сопоставить
Gateway B1+ Unit 7: Sports/Venues/equipment/verbs
Gateway B1+ Unit 7: Sports/Venues/equipment/verbs Групповая сортировка
Unit1: CITY LIFE adjectives (Outcomes Advanced 2nd edition)
Unit1: CITY LIFE adjectives (Outcomes Advanced 2nd edition) Сопоставить
prepare 1 unit 10 - Jobs around the house
prepare 1 unit 10 - Jobs around the house Случайные карты
CAE/C1 Speaking Part 2 - Useful language
CAE/C1 Speaking Part 2 - Useful language Групповая сортировка
CPE/C2 Collocations and fixed expressions
CPE/C2 Collocations and fixed expressions Найди пару
Holiday plans - Super Minds 2 [UNIT 9]
Holiday plans - Super Minds 2 [UNIT 9] Сопоставить
Super Minds 3 - Past Simple (regular and irregular) - My Routine
Super Minds 3 - Past Simple (regular and irregular) - My Routine Сопоставить
C1 Advanced - collocations about work
C1 Advanced - collocations about work Закончите предложение
FCE/B2 Speaking Part 2 - Useful Language
FCE/B2 Speaking Part 2 - Useful Language Групповая сортировка
C1/C2 Expressions to hesitate
C1/C2 Expressions to hesitate Сопоставить
C1 Personality and behavior collocations
C1 Personality and behavior collocations Сопоставить
Unit 1: CITY PROBLEMS (Outcomes Advanced - extension)
Unit 1: CITY PROBLEMS (Outcomes Advanced - extension) Сопоставить
B1-B2 Speaking Practice: Internet
B1-B2 Speaking Practice: Internet Случайное колесо
Super Minds 3 - Questions (was/were)
Super Minds 3 - Questions (was/were) Случайные карты
Present Perfect (conversation questions)
Present Perfect (conversation questions) Случайное колесо
I can jump! + At the circus!
I can jump! + At the circus! Анаграмма
The ABC Откройте поле
B1 Level. Conversation Questions: Travel
B1 Level. Conversation Questions: Travel Случайные карты
The weather
The weather Сопоставить
My favourite food (Spotlight - 2)
My favourite food (Spotlight - 2) Привести в порядок
the weather
the weather Перевернуть плитки
What's the time?
What's the time? Сопоставить
The truth game
The truth game Случайное колесо
9A The Passive: Name two ...
9A The Passive: Name two ... Случайное колесо
Find the match Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff
Find the match Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff Найди пару
Open the box Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff
Open the box Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff Откройте поле
Open the box Telling the time (:00,:30) #my_teaching_stuff
Open the box Telling the time (:00,:30) #my_teaching_stuff Откройте поле
The Present Simple tense (affirmative sentences)
The Present Simple tense (affirmative sentences) Викторина
At the beach Starters (hangman)
At the beach Starters (hangman) Угадай буквы
Matching 1 (C1/C2 lexical)
Matching 1 (C1/C2 lexical) Сопоставить
places in the city Islands-1
places in the city Islands-1 Сопоставить
Conversation cards
Conversation cards Откройте поле
The verb "To be" in present tense forms
The verb "To be" in present tense forms Викторина
the Hollow episode 2-1
the Hollow episode 2-1 Закончите предложение
Healthy Lifestyle Conversation Questions
Healthy Lifestyle Conversation Questions Случайные карты
The Passive Conversation Questions
The Passive Conversation Questions Случайные карты
Gateway to the World A2 / Unit 1 / Everyday activites / speaking wheel 1
Gateway to the World A2 / Unit 1 / Everyday activites / speaking wheel 1 Случайное колесо
Telling_the_time #my_teaching_stuff
Telling_the_time #my_teaching_stuff Флэш-карты
Quiz Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff
Quiz Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff Викторина
Days of the week
Days of the week Сопоставить
Match up Telling the time (:00,:30) #my_teaching_stuff
Match up Telling the time (:00,:30) #my_teaching_stuff Сопоставить
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation (-ment, -ion, -ence)
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation (-ment, -ion, -ence) Найди пару
At the restaurant
At the restaurant Правда или ложь
Telling the time
Telling the time Сопоставить
 Articles a/ an
Articles a/ an Викторина
Match up Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff
Match up Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff Сопоставить
Flashcards Telling the time (:00,:30) #my_teaching_stuff
Flashcards Telling the time (:00,:30) #my_teaching_stuff Флэш-карты
Flashcards 1 Telling the time (all) #my_teaching_stuff
Flashcards 1 Telling the time (all) #my_teaching_stuff Флэш-карты
types of the house
types of the house Сопоставить
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation missing words: -ment, -ion, -ence
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation missing words: -ment, -ion, -ence Закончите предложение
Days of the week
Days of the week Случайное колесо
Days of the week
Days of the week Анаграмма
At the airport
At the airport Сопоставить
Gateway to the World A2 / Unit 1 / Everyday activities matching 1
Gateway to the World A2 / Unit 1 / Everyday activities matching 1 Найди пару
Parts of the Body
Parts of the Body Диаграмма с метками
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