
Spotlight 8

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10 000+ результатов для 'spotlight 8'

Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Викторина
Present Simple or Present Continuous. Stative Verbs
Present Simple or Present Continuous. Stative Verbs Викторина
Present Simple or Present Continuous #5
Present Simple or Present Continuous #5 Викторина
Gerund or Infinitive
Gerund or Infinitive Случайные карты
Speaking practice. Adjectives -ed/-ing
Speaking practice. Adjectives -ed/-ing Случайные карты
Phrasal Verbs Spotlight 7, Module 1
Phrasal Verbs Spotlight 7, Module 1 Викторина
Have you ever... for teens
Have you ever... for teens Случайное колесо
Super Minds 2 Classroom Back to school
Super Minds 2 Classroom Back to school Найди пару
Present Perfect and Past Simple. Test 3
Present Perfect and Past Simple. Test 3 Викторина
Personal traits 2
Personal traits 2 Викторина
Present Perfect or Simple Tenses
Present Perfect or Simple Tenses Викторина
Confusing Irr.Verbs part 1
Confusing Irr.Verbs part 1 Случайное колесо
Appearance (vocabulary test)
Appearance (vocabulary test) Случайные карты
Weather Сопоставить
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Викторина
Past Simple regular verbs.
Past Simple regular verbs. Привести в порядок
 Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs Сопоставить
Guess the room name
Guess the room name Сопоставить
Spotlight 8 Module 3b work
Spotlight 8 Module 3b work Найди пару
Spotlight 8. Module 4a. "Be yourself!"
Spotlight 8. Module 4a. "Be yourself!" Кроссворд
Phrasal Verb BRING
Phrasal Verb BRING Викторина
 Past tenses 9
Past tenses 9 Викторина
mod 3c phrasal verb 'give' (spotlight 7)
mod 3c phrasal verb 'give' (spotlight 7) Викторина
Spotlight 8 1a
Spotlight 8 1a Сопоставить
Character adjectives | Spotlight 8 Module 1 /part 2/  QUIZ
Character adjectives | Spotlight 8 Module 1 /part 2/ QUIZ Викторина
Spotlight 8 Module 5c Ex.4
Spotlight 8 Module 5c Ex.4 Викторина
Spotlight 8, Module 1, phrasal verbs with get
Spotlight 8, Module 1, phrasal verbs with get Сопоставить
Spotlight 8, Module 2, Food, 1
Spotlight 8, Module 2, Food, 1 Найди пару
Spotlight 8 module 2a
Spotlight 8 module 2a Сопоставить
Gerund Привести в порядок
Spotlight 8 1a
Spotlight 8 1a Диаграмма с метками
Spotlight 8 Unit 6d Transport
Spotlight 8 Unit 6d Transport Найди пару
phrasal verb GET 8
phrasal verb GET 8 Сопоставить
Spotlight 8, Module 1, 1c All tenses
Spotlight 8, Module 1, 1c All tenses Закончите предложение
Spotlight 8  2D
Spotlight 8 2D Сопоставить
 Module 3f Phrasal verb BRING (matching)
Module 3f Phrasal verb BRING (matching) Сопоставить
Prepositions with - by in Passive
Prepositions with - by in Passive Викторина
Do Play Go
Do Play Go Групповая сортировка
Spotlight 8 Module 4 fashion style
Spotlight 8 Module 4 fashion style Найди пару
spotlight 8 module 6
spotlight 8 module 6 Сопоставить
3a Закончите предложение
ff 6 lesson 9
ff 6 lesson 9 Привести в порядок
Spotlight 8, Module 1. Phrasal verbs: get
Spotlight 8, Module 1. Phrasal verbs: get Викторина
Spotlight 8 Module 2 Phrasal Verb GO
Spotlight 8 Module 2 Phrasal Verb GO Викторина
 Idioms 2 Spotlight 8
Idioms 2 Spotlight 8 Сопоставить
Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs Викторина
Spotlight 8, Module 5, used to, get used to, be used to
Spotlight 8, Module 5, used to, get used to, be used to Закончите предложение
Spotlight 8, Module 1, 1c, All tenses
Spotlight 8, Module 1, 1c, All tenses Групповая сортировка
Placement test
Placement test Закончите предложение
Spotlight 8. Phrasal verb: BRING
Spotlight 8. Phrasal verb: BRING Викторина
IELTS: Learning Languages
IELTS: Learning Languages Случайное колесо
I wish
I wish Случайные карты
Verbs +infinitive or ing form
Verbs +infinitive or ing form Викторина
Spotlight 8 2a
Spotlight 8 2a Сопоставить
Phrasal Verb GO
Phrasal Verb GO Викторина
Present tenses markers
Present tenses markers Групповая сортировка
Spotlight 8, Module 2, Singular or Plural?
Spotlight 8, Module 2, Singular or Plural? Викторина
Spotlight 8 Module 1f Dependent Prepositions
Spotlight 8 Module 1f Dependent Prepositions Викторина
Spotlight 8 Module 4 A
Spotlight 8 Module 4 A Сопоставить
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