
Англійська мова Adult learners ef elementary

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10 000+ результатов для 'англійська adult learners ef elementary'

EF_Elementary 7C_Irregular verbs_1
EF_Elementary 7C_Irregular verbs_1 Ударь крота
9A Food and drink
9A Food and drink Флэш-карты
4B Daily routine Busy Belinda
4B Daily routine Busy Belinda Флэш-карты
EF Elementary 3A
EF Elementary 3A Флэш-карты
9A countable/uncountable ( a/an-some)
9A countable/uncountable ( a/an-some) Викторина
7B  Past Simple(+/-/?) regular verbs, be
7B Past Simple(+/-/?) regular verbs, be Викторина
11A Elementary Adverbs
11A Elementary Adverbs Викторина
10C English File Elementary
10C English File Elementary Флэш-карты
EF Pre-Intermediate_4B_In your basket
EF Pre-Intermediate_4B_In your basket Флэш-карты
EF Elementary / Jobs
EF Elementary / Jobs Анаграмма
EF Elementary 3A
EF Elementary 3A Угадай буквы
9ASome - Any - A/An (Countables/Uncountables)
9ASome - Any - A/An (Countables/Uncountables) Викторина
Warm-up for A1 learners
Warm-up for A1 learners Случайное колесо
EF Elementary 2B Adjectives
EF Elementary 2B Adjectives Флэш-карты
Match the words continents and cardinal directions
Match the words continents and cardinal directions Диаграмма с метками
EF Elementary / U1B / Countries and nationalities
EF Elementary / U1B / Countries and nationalities Сопоставить
EF Elementary 4th 11B
EF Elementary 4th 11B Групповая сортировка
EF elementary Unit 2c
EF elementary Unit 2c Диаграмма с метками
Feelings EF elementary
Feelings EF elementary Диаграмма с метками
EF elementary 2b
EF elementary 2b Сопоставить
TIME (o`clock, half)
TIME (o`clock, half) Сопоставить
English File 4th Elementary 5A
English File 4th Elementary 5A Сопоставить
Англійська революція
Англійська революція Упорядочивание
Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency
Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency Викторина
Speaking (elementary)
Speaking (elementary) Откройте поле
Weather Elementary
Weather Elementary Случайные карты
Prepare 5. Unit 13. Prepositions
Prepare 5. Unit 13. Prepositions Викторина
EF - Elementary - 7C - vocabulary
EF - Elementary - 7C - vocabulary Групповая сортировка
Prepare 5. Unit 11: Entertainment
Prepare 5. Unit 11: Entertainment Анаграмма
Daily routine
Daily routine Найди пару
Gerund Infinitive speaking
Gerund Infinitive speaking Откройте поле
Outer Space
Outer Space Найди пару
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes Откройте поле
11A Elementary  Adverbs. Put words in order to make a sentence
11A Elementary Adverbs. Put words in order to make a sentence Привести в порядок
Body parts
Body parts Диаграмма с метками
Get 200! Unit 7. Vocabulary
Get 200! Unit 7. Vocabulary Закончите предложение
Особові займенники, англійська, непрямі відмінки
Особові займенники, англійська, непрямі відмінки Найди пару
Questions with to be
Questions with to be Привести в порядок
3B Dependent prepositions
3B Dependent prepositions Викторина
3A Comparatives and Superlatives
3A Comparatives and Superlatives Викторина
6A Cinema
6A Cinema Викторина
Family and Friends 3 Unit 8
Family and Friends 3 Unit 8 Сопоставить
EF Elementary 7C Vocabulary
EF Elementary 7C Vocabulary Викторина
Elementary EF 6B Dates
Elementary EF 6B Dates Перевернуть плитки
EF elementary 2b questions
EF elementary 2b questions Случайные карты
EF Elementary 2B adjectives
EF Elementary 2B adjectives Сопоставить
EF elementary 3a SPEAKING
EF elementary 3a SPEAKING Случайные карты
Verb phrases EF Elementary
Verb phrases EF Elementary Найди пару
EF Elementary - 3A
EF Elementary - 3A Сопоставить
EF elementary 6A pronouns
EF elementary 6A pronouns Случайные карты
Emotions EF Elementary
Emotions EF Elementary Найди пару
EF Elementary 1B Nationalities
EF Elementary 1B Nationalities Флэш-карты
EF Elementary 4B reading
EF Elementary 4B reading Сопоставить
Verb phrases EF Elementary
Verb phrases EF Elementary Сопоставить
EF elementary Revision 12C
EF elementary Revision 12C Случайные карты
EF Elementary 8A Murder vocabulary
EF Elementary 8A Murder vocabulary Викторина
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