

Примеры из нашего сообщества

5 103 результатов для 'collocations'

Conditionals Случайные карты
Plural Nouns
Plural Nouns Групповая сортировка
this-that-these-those Викторина
MAKE or DO (interm.)
MAKE or DO (interm.) Групповая сортировка
Daily routine speaking
Daily routine speaking Случайное колесо
Oxford Phonics 2 (U5)
Oxford Phonics 2 (U5) Сопоставить
Speaking 7 (Solutions elem, U1 Brotherly love)
Speaking 7 (Solutions elem, U1 Brotherly love) Случайные карты
Feelings (collocations)
Feelings (collocations) Случайные карты
 Collocations have 2
Collocations have 2 Сопоставить
Sports collocations   go// play // do
Sports collocations go// play // do Викторина
say, tell, speak, talk
say, tell, speak, talk Групповая сортировка
Go, Do or Play
Go, Do or Play Закончите предложение
Sports (play, do, go)
Sports (play, do, go) Откройте поле
Love/hate/like + gerund
Love/hate/like + gerund Викторина
 Play Do Go
Play Do Go Групповая сортировка
 Love like enjoy + gerund
Love like enjoy + gerund Закончите предложение
Phrases and Collocations with "get" (speaking)
Phrases and Collocations with "get" (speaking) Откройте поле
formal vs informal emails
formal vs informal emails Сопоставить
Make or Do?
Make or Do? Групповая сортировка
Character Collocations
Character Collocations Сопоставить
Daily routines collocations
Daily routines collocations Сопоставить
Collocations have
Collocations have Случайные карты
Make questions in Present Simple (2)
Make questions in Present Simple (2) Привести в порядок
 Collocations take2
Collocations take2 Викторина
Collocations Сопоставить
Collocations Викторина
Collocations Сопоставить
Adjectives with prepositions
Adjectives with prepositions Викторина
English File Advanced 1B collocations/phrases/verbs
English File Advanced 1B collocations/phrases/verbs Сопоставить
Solutions Inter. 5A computing collocations
Solutions Inter. 5A computing collocations Сопоставить
U3B Collocations EF Int
U3B Collocations EF Int Сопоставить
Roadmap B2 - Unit 1C - collocations
Roadmap B2 - Unit 1C - collocations Закончите предложение
Christmas/New Year collocations
Christmas/New Year collocations Групповая сортировка
Focus 2  / Wordstore 2C / Collocations
Focus 2 / Wordstore 2C / Collocations Сопоставить
Collocations 1
Collocations 1 Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Travel collocations
Travel collocations Сопоставить
work collocations
work collocations Сопоставить
Focus 3 unit 4 collocations
Focus 3 unit 4 collocations Сопоставить
Collocations with "say" and "tell"
Collocations with "say" and "tell" Сопоставить
Extreme adjectives
Extreme adjectives Закончите предложение
Focus 3 2.1 Collocations
Focus 3 2.1 Collocations Найди пару
Have, go, get collocations
Have, go, get collocations Групповая сортировка
Focus 4: 2.7 Collocations
Focus 4: 2.7 Collocations Сопоставить
Collocations (on/at/in)
Collocations (on/at/in) Групповая сортировка
Grade 6. Transport collocations
Grade 6. Transport collocations Закончите предложение
CAE collocations give/make
CAE collocations give/make Групповая сортировка
Nature + Collocations, Focus 1
Nature + Collocations, Focus 1 Согласующиеся пары
Collocations with JOB
Collocations with JOB Викторина
Outcomes pre-intermediate, unit 1 jobs collocations
Outcomes pre-intermediate, unit 1 jobs collocations Групповая сортировка
Speakout intermediate Unit 9.2/ Collocations
Speakout intermediate Unit 9.2/ Collocations Диаграмма с метками
Roadmap B2 Unit 1C verb + noun collocations
Roadmap B2 Unit 1C verb + noun collocations Найди пару
Outcomes. Elementary. Unit 3 collocations
Outcomes. Elementary. Unit 3 collocations Групповая сортировка
Navigate Pre unit 1 collocations
Navigate Pre unit 1 collocations Групповая сортировка
School collocations
School collocations Сопоставить
Collocations. Friendship
Collocations. Friendship Сопоставить
Get 200. B.1 U.1 Collocations, phrasal verbs
Get 200. B.1 U.1 Collocations, phrasal verbs Закончите предложение
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