7 9 years
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Sounds of /AIR/
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Mixed /sh, ch, initial R/ Woozle Game
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Barton 7.7 /ar/ /er/ /or/

/ch/ Initial Words Woozle Game
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SH Hangman
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/sh/ words all positions Woozle game
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/s/ words all positions woozle game
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/s-blends/ Woozle game
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L Words Gameshow All Positions
Викторина "Игровое шоу"

Barton 7.10 ORY or ARY
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/th/ VL words all positions woozle game
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Barton 7.8 Whats my Vowel Sound?
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/L-blends/ Woozle game
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Barton 7.11 Vowel R-plus R and Prefix IR
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Vocalic R Woozle Game
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/th/ Voiced initial medial woozle game
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L Hangman
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Barton 7.5 /er/ or /ore/ which vowel sound?
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Super Minds 2 unit 0 pages 7-9 The Burglars
Викторина "Игровое шоу"

R-blends Woozle Game
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7.9 AIR arr/err word sort
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/r/ words initial position Woozle Game
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R first sound Hangman
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Barton Level 5.9 Sight Words
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Find the sport!

/L/ words all positions Woozle game
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/L/ initial Words Woozle Game
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學華語向前走 B2 Lessons 7-9
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Spilled the Milk (c/ck) - shared copy
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Barton Level 7.2 - spelling
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AR and ER say /air/
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Barton Level 7.4 Vowel + R + Suffix, Drop, Double, Change Rules
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MAZE CHASE Adding with 9, 8, 7
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MATH QUIZ Adding with 9, 8, 7

Barton Level 7.1-7.2 BOOM! You're It.
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k/ck word Sort - shared
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Don`t let the Parrot Snatch your cards: AR+R and ER+R
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R Syllables Woozle Game
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Watermelon vs seed sort.
Диаграмма с метками

Trick words & Glued sounds

Barton Level 7 Review 7.1-7.4

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Unscramble Sentences - FUNdations U7 W1
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GAMESHOW Adding with 9, 8, 7
Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Months and seasons - 4th grade
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Barton 9 Quiz Review
Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Insects Transition
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New Years Resolutions
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Early Years - Colors
New Years 2021 - Resolution
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New Years Questions
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Hangman tch, ph
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Ou Spelling 9.5
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au/aw Book 9 Wilson
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