
Adult ell

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8 773 результатов для 'adult ell'

Irregular verbs (simple past)
Irregular verbs (simple past) Найди пару
Idioms "Get it"?
Idioms "Get it"? Викторина
Past Simple - Common Irregular Verbs (B1)
Past Simple - Common Irregular Verbs (B1) Кроссворд
American idioms
American idioms Сопоставить
Idioms that describe people 2
Idioms that describe people 2 Сопоставить
Prepositions Викторина
Vocabulary Fruit Words
Vocabulary Fruit Words Найди пару
Action Verbs
Action Verbs Случайное колесо
What's he/she doing? What are they doing? - Answer with "He/She/They is/are ___ing ___."
What's he/she doing? What are they doing? - Answer with "He/She/They is/are ___ing ___." Случайные карты
Grocery Store Vocabulary
Grocery Store Vocabulary Сопоставить
Family Members and Activities
Family Members and Activities Сопоставить
Verbs in English and Spanish
Verbs in English and Spanish Сопоставить
Baby Animal Names
Baby Animal Names Найди пару
"Get" means many things!
"Get" means many things! Викторина
Job search words
Job search words Анаграмма
can/could/able to/ will be able to
can/could/able to/ will be able to Викторина
Specific detail words
Specific detail words Закончите предложение
SMART goals
SMART goals Викторина
Conjunctions Сопоставить
Last Weekend Questions Reg & Irreg
Last Weekend Questions Reg & Irreg Случайное колесо
Idioms Викторина
Backpack Vocabulary
Backpack Vocabulary Сопоставить
The Verb "To Have" Simple Present Match Positive-Negative
The Verb "To Have" Simple Present Match Positive-Negative Групповая сортировка
House Vocabulary in Spanish and English
House Vocabulary in Spanish and English Погоня в лабиринте
/oy/ and /oi/
/oy/ and /oi/ Групповая сортировка
Numbers 1 - 100
Numbers 1 - 100 Викторина "Игровое шоу"
irregular past tense CotW
irregular past tense CotW Сопоставить
 Ellii Past Perfect Lesson-Exercise 3 Game
Ellii Past Perfect Lesson-Exercise 3 Game Найди пару
ESL ADULT -Copy of Daily Activities
ESL ADULT -Copy of Daily Activities Сопоставить
Halloween Викторина
Numbers 11-20
Numbers 11-20 Сопоставить
ESL present perfect
ESL present perfect Привести в порядок
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds Случайное колесо
 used to/be used to/get used to 2023
used to/be used to/get used to 2023 Викторина
Morning Warm-Up Questions
Morning Warm-Up Questions Случайное колесо
Conversation Cards
Conversation Cards Случайные карты
Random Icebreakers!
Random Icebreakers! Случайное колесо
Comparatives and Superlatives
Comparatives and Superlatives Викторина
Should, Would, Could
Should, Would, Could Викторина
Too, Enough, Not Too, Not Enough
Too, Enough, Not Too, Not Enough Викторина
While - When with past and past continuous
While - When with past and past continuous Викторина
WH Question
WH Question Викторина
Numbers 30 to 100
Numbers 30 to 100 Флэш-карты
Vegetables Викторина
Simple Present Affirmative
Simple Present Affirmative Групповая сортировка
Saturday morning Warm-up
Saturday morning Warm-up Откройте поле
-ell Word Family
-ell Word Family Сопоставить
Baby or Adult
Baby or Adult Групповая сортировка
Conversation Starters Adult ESL
Conversation Starters Adult ESL Случайное колесо
all, ell, ill, oll, ull
all, ell, ill, oll, ull Групповая сортировка
tools Сопоставить
Do and Does Practice
Do and Does Practice Викторина
Descriptive adjectives
Descriptive adjectives Викторина
SYNONYMS (part B) [5.7 "Match It!" by S. Elwell & R.C. Clark]
SYNONYMS (part B) [5.7 "Match It!" by S. Elwell & R.C. Clark] Сопоставить
Plural endings S/ES [WtW 9.45 within word spellers]
Plural endings S/ES [WtW 9.45 within word spellers] Групповая сортировка
COLORS Викторина
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences Случайные карты
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