
Adult Education Teens young adults english file

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10 000+ результатов для 'adults teens young adults english file'

countable and uncountable - dialogues
countable and uncountable - dialogues Закончите предложение
Past Participle
Past Participle Сопоставить
places in the city (with descriptions)
places in the city (with descriptions) Викторина
Subject and Object Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives
Subject and Object Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives Викторина
a - an
a - an Викторина
Daily routine activities
Daily routine activities Анаграмма
 verbs phrases
verbs phrases Найди пару
days of the week and months
days of the week and months Найди пару
Prepositions after verbs English File
Prepositions after verbs English File Сопоставить
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives Викторина
Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns Викторина
Telephoning - Key expressions and functions
Telephoning - Key expressions and functions Найди пару
Verb to be - right or wrong
Verb to be - right or wrong Случайное колесо
AVID Ice breaker - For Adults
AVID Ice breaker - For Adults Случайное колесо
In a Hotel Room - English File Beginner
In a Hotel Room - English File Beginner Диаграмма с метками
English vocabulary: Verb phrases 2
English vocabulary: Verb phrases 2 Сопоставить
Unit 6 - Personality adjectives
Unit 6 - Personality adjectives Сопоставить
English Vocabulary: Verb phrases 3
English Vocabulary: Verb phrases 3 Сопоставить
6C Grammar English File Pre-Intermedite
6C Grammar English File Pre-Intermedite Групповая сортировка
Simple Presente 'like' (- and +)
Simple Presente 'like' (- and +) Правда или ложь
Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Simple Present vs Present Continuous Викторина
Uncramble the sentences.
Uncramble the sentences. Привести в порядок
At the Grocery Store, Part 1/4
At the Grocery Store, Part 1/4 Диаграмма с метками
How do you feel when...
How do you feel when... Откройте поле
Life Beginner, Lesson 3c, Grammar: Plural nouns
Life Beginner, Lesson 3c, Grammar: Plural nouns Викторина
At the Grocery Store, Part 2/4
At the Grocery Store, Part 2/4 Диаграмма с метками
Past Passive (Level 3B) What is the past passive of the following sentences?
Past Passive (Level 3B) What is the past passive of the following sentences? Случайные карты
Getting to Know You Questions
Getting to Know You Questions Случайное колесо
Possessive Adjectives & Subject Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives & Subject Pronouns Закончите предложение
Negative Prefixes + Adjectives
Negative Prefixes + Adjectives Групповая сортировка
Simple Past Tense Review
Simple Past Tense Review Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Word Sort 2: Count and Noncount Nouns
Word Sort 2: Count and Noncount Nouns Групповая сортировка
Empower Starter, Lesson 3A, Vocabulary: Food
Empower Starter, Lesson 3A, Vocabulary: Food Случайное колесо
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple Ударь крота
Daily Routines
Daily Routines Диаграмма с метками
Health Problems
Health Problems Диаграмма с метками
Used to & Would
Used to & Would Случайные карты
Fast Food Restaurant
Fast Food Restaurant Диаграмма с метками
Daily Routines & Chores
Daily Routines & Chores Викторина
Conversation Wheel (Daily Routines)
Conversation Wheel (Daily Routines) Случайное колесо
Past Simple + Past Continuous
Past Simple + Past Continuous Закончите предложение
jobs and workplaces (AEF Beginner)
jobs and workplaces (AEF Beginner) Закончите предложение
In a Hotel
In a Hotel Диаграмма с метками
Transport intermediate English file
Transport intermediate English file Сопоставить
Telephoning - Key expressions with phrasal verbs
Telephoning - Key expressions with phrasal verbs Привести в порядок
Zoo animals--adults and babies
Zoo animals--adults and babies Сопоставить
Celebrities Случайные карты
Talk About...
Talk About... Случайное колесо
Present Tenses
Present Tenses Групповая сортировка
APPEARANCE Случайные карты
Present Continuous vs Simple Present
Present Continuous vs Simple Present Закончите предложение
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Случайное колесо
Present Perfect Past Simple
Present Perfect Past Simple Викторина
Organize the conversation in the correct order (apologizing phrases)
Organize the conversation in the correct order (apologizing phrases) Сопоставить
Future Time
Future Time Закончите предложение
Zero Conditional Questions
Zero Conditional Questions Случайные карты
Subject Pronouns
Subject Pronouns Закончите предложение
Travel Activities
Travel Activities Сопоставить
Adjective Order
Adjective Order Закончите предложение
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