
Barton 4

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Barton Level 4: Review Quiz
Barton Level 4: Review Quiz Викторина
Barton level 4: Which Syllable Division Rule?
Barton level 4: Which Syllable Division Rule? Сбить воздушный шар
Barton level 4.8 Phrases
Barton level 4.8 Phrases Групповая сортировка
Barton Sentences Review 4.1-8
Barton Sentences Review 4.1-8 Закончите предложение
4.5 Happy, Campus Confess, No EXS No EGS (extra practice page)
4.5 Happy, Campus Confess, No EXS No EGS (extra practice page) Викторина
Barton Spelling Prac. 4.1- 4.5
Barton Spelling Prac. 4.1- 4.5 Кроссворд
Barton 4.1 - 4.5 (words are divided) - Funny Animal Boom
Barton 4.1 - 4.5 (words are divided) - Funny Animal Boom Случайные карты
Closed, Unit, Open, or Vowel Team Syllable?
Closed, Unit, Open, or Vowel Team Syllable? Викторина
Barton End of Level 4 - Super Hero Boom (Fluency)
Barton End of Level 4 - Super Hero Boom (Fluency) Случайные карты
Barton Rule Review Quiz: Level 3 & 4
Barton Rule Review Quiz: Level 3 & 4 Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Barton 4.8 Syllable Division #4
Barton 4.8 Syllable Division #4 Ударь крота
Barton Level  3 and 4: Review Quiz (Which Words Follow the Rule)
Barton Level 3 and 4: Review Quiz (Which Words Follow the Rule) Викторина
Barton / Student Behavior - do's and don'ts (Level 4)
Barton / Student Behavior - do's and don'ts (Level 4) Выиграй или проиграй викторину
Barton Spelling Prac. 4.1 - 4.5
Barton Spelling Prac. 4.1 - 4.5 Угадай буквы
Barton 4.8 where do I split?
Barton 4.8 where do I split? Правда или ложь
4.9 Sentences
4.9 Sentences Привести в порядок
4.4 Syllable Division
4.4 Syllable Division Викторина "Игровое шоу"
4.4  Picnic Chicken/Music Trick
4.4 Picnic Chicken/Music Trick Викторина
Barton 4.10 Phrases
Barton 4.10 Phrases Групповая сортировка
Barton 4.12 Phrases
Barton 4.12 Phrases Групповая сортировка
4.9 Matching Words
4.9 Matching Words Согласующиеся пары
4.4 Chicken Picnic Basket/Music Trick
4.4 Chicken Picnic Basket/Music Trick Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Barton 4.9 How many Syllables do I have?
Barton 4.9 How many Syllables do I have? Групповая сортировка
Barton 4.9 Phrases
Barton 4.9 Phrases Групповая сортировка
Barton 4.11 Unscramble
Barton 4.11 Unscramble Привести в порядок
Barton 4.9 Volcano--Don't let it explode
Barton 4.9 Volcano--Don't let it explode Случайные карты
Barton 4.14 Phrases Open the Box
Barton 4.14 Phrases Open the Box Откройте поле
Barton 4.13
Barton 4.13 Привести в порядок
Barton 4.10 Missing Word Sentences
Barton 4.10 Missing Word Sentences Закончите предложение
4.9 Sentences Missing Word
4.9 Sentences Missing Word Закончите предложение
Barton 4.11 Phrases
Barton 4.11 Phrases Групповая сортировка
4.3 Syllable Division Rule #2
4.3 Syllable Division Rule #2 Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Barton 4.12 Unscramble
Barton 4.12 Unscramble Привести в порядок
Barton 4.14 Phrases
Barton 4.14 Phrases Групповая сортировка
4.2 Syllable Division
4.2 Syllable Division Викторина
5 Sight Words From Barton 4.1
5 Sight Words From Barton 4.1 Погоня в лабиринте
Barton Level 4: Review Quiz
Barton Level 4: Review Quiz Викторина
Barton sight words Level 4.1 + Friend and Please
Barton sight words Level 4.1 + Friend and Please Угадай буквы
Barton Level 4: Rule Review
Barton Level 4: Rule Review Викторина
Barton Book 4 SCHWA rules
Barton Book 4 SCHWA rules Сбить воздушный шар
3.3 Sight Words II
3.3 Sight Words II Согласующиеся пары
5.6 BOOM Soccer
5.6 BOOM Soccer Случайные карты
Barton 4.5 Happy Rule Whack a Mole
Barton 4.5 Happy Rule Whack a Mole Ударь крота
4.3 "They're" vs. "Their" vs. "There"
4.3 "They're" vs. "Their" vs. "There" Викторина
Barton 2.4 vowels: a, i, o, u
Barton 2.4 vowels: a, i, o, u Найди пару
Barton 4.1 open and closed syllables
Barton 4.1 open and closed syllables Групповая сортировка
3.9 Blending and Spelling Digraphs /ch/ /ck/ and units (betting game)
3.9 Blending and Spelling Digraphs /ch/ /ck/ and units (betting game) Выиграй или проиграй викторину
3.10 Contractions "your" vs. "you're"
3.10 Contractions "your" vs. "you're" Закончите предложение
Barton 5.3 Doubling Rule for Suffixes
Barton 5.3 Doubling Rule for Suffixes Выиграй или проиграй викторину
Barton 5.1 Extra Practice Page 2
Barton 5.1 Extra Practice Page 2 Выиграй или проиграй викторину
Sight Words (tricky pairs up to Barton level 4.4 )
Sight Words (tricky pairs up to Barton level 4.4 ) Выиграй или проиграй викторину
Barton 4.2 Syllable Division Rule #1
Barton 4.2 Syllable Division Rule #1 Групповая сортировка
4.10 Identify and Classify Schwa sounds
4.10 Identify and Classify Schwa sounds Сбить воздушный шар
Barton 4.7 Read these words
Barton 4.7 Read these words Групповая сортировка
Barton Level 4.3 (2 syllable words) match up
Barton Level 4.3 (2 syllable words) match up Найди пару
Barton 4.5 Almost All
Barton 4.5 Almost All Групповая сортировка
Barton Level 2: B, P, Q, or D?
Barton Level 2: B, P, Q, or D? Выиграй или проиграй викторину
Barton 3.9 - Milk Truck and Catch Lunch Rules
Barton 3.9 - Milk Truck and Catch Lunch Rules Викторина
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