
English / ESL Adult

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10 000+ результатов для 'esl adult'

ESL present perfect
ESL present perfect Привести в порядок
Halloween Викторина
Numbers 11-20
Numbers 11-20 Сопоставить
Conversation Cards
Conversation Cards Случайные карты
Morning Warm-Up Questions
Morning Warm-Up Questions Случайное колесо
Saturday morning Warm-up
Saturday morning Warm-up Откройте поле
Should, Would, Could
Should, Would, Could Викторина
Comparatives and Superlatives
Comparatives and Superlatives Викторина
WH Question
WH Question Викторина
While - When with past and past continuous
While - When with past and past continuous Викторина
tools Сопоставить
Do and Does Practice
Do and Does Practice Викторина
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences Случайные карты
advanced body parts
advanced body parts Сопоставить
Present Simple -  Do you?
Present Simple - Do you? Случайные карты
Thanksgiving Поиск слов
Hello Goodbye
Hello Goodbye Групповая сортировка
Menu Флэш-карты
Small Talk Question Wheel
Small Talk Question Wheel Случайное колесо
Simple Past and Present Perfect
Simple Past and Present Perfect Викторина
Too, Enough, Not Too, Not Enough
Too, Enough, Not Too, Not Enough Викторина
/thr/ pronunciation of words in sentences
/thr/ pronunciation of words in sentences Случайные карты
/th/ voiced and voiceless
/th/ voiced and voiceless Случайные карты
Present Continuous - WH questions
Present Continuous - WH questions Привести в порядок
Numbers 21-30
Numbers 21-30 Сопоставить
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds Случайное колесо
 used to/be used to/get used to 2023
used to/be used to/get used to 2023 Викторина
Before/After with present tense
Before/After with present tense Закончите предложение
Vegetables Викторина
Simple Present Affirmative
Simple Present Affirmative Групповая сортировка
JOBS Викторина
Numbers 30 to 100
Numbers 30 to 100 Флэш-карты
Constitution Найди пару
ESL ADULT -Copy of Daily Activities
ESL ADULT -Copy of Daily Activities Сопоставить
Declaration of Independence/Constitution
Declaration of Independence/Constitution Групповая сортировка
3 Branches of Government
3 Branches of Government Групповая сортировка
1.Pronunciation l-r sentences
1.Pronunciation l-r sentences Случайные карты
Historical People
Historical People Сопоставить
2022 Wheel of Questions (ESL Getting to Know You!)
2022 Wheel of Questions (ESL Getting to Know You!) Случайное колесо
Conversation Starters Adult ESL
Conversation Starters Adult ESL Случайное колесо
Put the questions in order
Put the questions in order Привести в порядок
/f/, /v/, /b/ pronunciation in single words
/f/, /v/, /b/ pronunciation in single words Случайные карты
Packing Groceries
Packing Groceries Групповая сортировка
US Government
US Government Викторина
Summer things
Summer things Найди пару
Favorite Things question spinner
Favorite Things question spinner Случайное колесо
ALREADY, YET, JUST, STILL Закончите предложение
"Because" or  "Because of "
"Because" or "Because of " Викторина
Health questions
Health questions Откройте поле
Never-Ever Викторина
Colors Найди пару
Dairy Викторина
Create a Question for these answers...
Create a Question for these answers... Случайное колесо
/spl/ in words in sentences
/spl/ in words in sentences Случайные карты
this-that-these-those Викторина
Numbers--Tens Сопоставить
Verbos Pasado/Presente/Futuro
Verbos Pasado/Presente/Futuro Случайное колесо
ESL B1 - Articles
ESL B1 - Articles Ударь крота
I wish.. - ESL Conversation
I wish.. - ESL Conversation Случайные карты
6 Oath Questions
6 Oath Questions Сопоставить
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