
K 2 english learners

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10 000+ результатов для 'k 2 english learners'

First 20 Fry Words
First 20 Fry Words Согласующиеся пары
Present Progressive verbs w/pronouns
Present Progressive verbs w/pronouns Сопоставить
What do you like to eat?
What do you like to eat? Случайные карты
How often do you...?
How often do you...? Случайное колесо
Consonant -le syllable
Consonant -le syllable Ударь крота
Fill in the missing WH- Question Word
Fill in the missing WH- Question Word Викторина
Verb Be Present Yes/No Questions.  Fill in Am, Is or Are to create a question.
Verb Be Present Yes/No Questions. Fill in Am, Is or Are to create a question. Викторина
Fill in  Has/Have
Fill in Has/Have Викторина
Don't or Doesn't?
Don't or Doesn't? Викторина
Irregular Plurals Memory Game
Irregular Plurals Memory Game Согласующиеся пары
Present Simple Y/N Questions Do, Does, Are, Is
Present Simple Y/N Questions Do, Does, Are, Is Викторина
  Was / Were _____ ? Yes/No Questions - Past Simple (To Be)
Was / Were _____ ? Yes/No Questions - Past Simple (To Be) Викторина
To be with feelings
To be with feelings Сопоставить
Yes/No Questions
Yes/No Questions Случайные карты
What time do you...?
What time do you...? Случайные карты
has/have Самолет
Matching numerals to ten frames
Matching numerals to ten frames Найди пару
Do and Does + have
Do and Does + have Самолет
 Irregular Plural Nouns Matching Game
Irregular Plural Nouns Matching Game Сопоставить
Continents and Oceans Labeling Activity
Continents and Oceans Labeling Activity Диаграмма с метками
C or K
C or K Погоня в лабиринте
ELD 3 PBA essay vocabulary
ELD 3 PBA essay vocabulary Сопоставить
EL Possessive Pronouns
EL Possessive Pronouns Викторина
Nouns: singular/plural
Nouns: singular/plural Викторина
Essay writing for beginners
Essay writing for beginners Сопоставить
ELD 3: Ethos, Pathos, Logos practice
ELD 3: Ethos, Pathos, Logos practice Викторина
Season Sort
Season Sort Групповая сортировка
Kitchen Vocabulary
Kitchen Vocabulary Сопоставить
Spelling (k) through k, c //ck, k
Spelling (k) through k, c //ck, k Групповая сортировка
New Green Flash - B1 - Places in town
New Green Flash - B1 - Places in town Угадай буквы
Unscramble - WH Questions
Unscramble - WH Questions Привести в порядок
Tag Questions  Fill in the Blanks - Present Simple
Tag Questions Fill in the Blanks - Present Simple Викторина
Spell and Tell Game! Choose the correct verb in Present Simple
Spell and Tell Game! Choose the correct verb in Present Simple Викторина
Plural Spelling Sort - Put the word in the correct plural rule
Plural Spelling Sort - Put the word in the correct plural rule Групповая сортировка
Present Progressive UnJumble (Positive)
Present Progressive UnJumble (Positive) Привести в порядок
Spelling (k) (through k,c//ck, k) Part 1
Spelling (k) (through k,c//ck, k) Part 1 Викторина "Игровое шоу"
The Earliest Americans Vocabulary
The Earliest Americans Vocabulary Сопоставить
/k/ words-Initial
/k/ words-Initial Случайное колесо
NFL Teams
NFL Teams Случайное колесо
 /k/ sound - fill in the blank (real words)
/k/ sound - fill in the blank (real words) Викторина
/k/ Final words
/k/ Final words Случайное колесо
am/an sort
am/an sort Групповая сортировка
ow, ou, oi, oy
ow, ou, oi, oy Групповая сортировка
b vs. d
b vs. d Групповая сортировка
Short vowels
Short vowels Групповая сортировка
L9 Sequencing Sentences (4)
L9 Sequencing Sentences (4) Упорядочивание
2-9 OG SDS Lesson - Soft and Hard C and G Sort
2-9 OG SDS Lesson - Soft and Hard C and G Sort Групповая сортировка
Blends, c, k, -ck, nasal blends, VCe
Blends, c, k, -ck, nasal blends, VCe Угадай буквы
1-20 OG SDS Lesson - Y Says Long I Whack-a-mole
1-20 OG SDS Lesson - Y Says Long I Whack-a-mole Ударь крота
CKLA Sound Cards
CKLA Sound Cards Флэш-карты
2: K Sight Word GAME
2: K Sight Word GAME Правда или ложь
English vocabulary: Verb phrases 2
English vocabulary: Verb phrases 2 Сопоставить
Pumpkins or Apples
Pumpkins or Apples Групповая сортировка
Sea Turtle Diagram
Sea Turtle Diagram Диаграмма с метками
Movement Break: Yoga
Movement Break: Yoga Откройте поле
VCe Spelling Hangman
VCe Spelling Hangman Угадай буквы
Y says Long I / Y says /y/ Sort
Y says Long I / Y says /y/ Sort Групповая сортировка
Motor Break
Motor Break Случайное колесо
Articles (a, an, the)
Articles (a, an, the) Викторина
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