Do you have any siblings?, What is your favorite TV show and why?, In 4/4 time, how many beats does an eighth note receive?, If you could travel anywhere outside the US, where would it be and why?, Name one of your favorite songs and why it's a favorite., What is the name of the rest shown here?, What is your dream job and why?, If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?, What is the name of the note shown here?, What is the name of this solfege hand symbol?, What is your favorite restaurant and why?, When is your birthday?, What is your favorite thing/activity to do with your friends?, In 3/2 time, what note receives one beat?, Name one GOOD thing that occurred in your life in 2020., If you could be any animal, what would you choose, and why?, Sing or Sign the solfege scale from bottom to top., Tell us a funny story about something that happened to you., Other than choir, what is your favorite subject in school, and why?, What does the top number of the time signature tell us?, What is the name of this solfege hand symbol?, What is your favorite sport to play?, Sing or Sign the solfege scale from top to bottom., What is your favorite video or cell phone game?, If you could meet any celebrity, alive or dead, who would it be and why?, What is your favorite dessert?, What is the name of the rest shown here?, Name something you are afraid of., Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!, What is your favorite sport to watch?.
Getting to Know You: Choir Style
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