Do you want me to go or not?, We should find out when Tom's funeral is., I told Tom I had to do that., I think I want to be a monk., Tom is used to these sorts of situations., I did as Tom asked me to do., I want to do this on my own., Tom doesn't usually talk to me like that., I told Tom what I had to do., I want you to get me a soda., I can't believe I just promised Tom that., I know Tom used to be a cop., I want you to give me a job., Tom pulled an envelope out of his pocket., I know Tom is a lot like us., I want you to do me a favor., Tom said he wasn't even there that night., I know Tom is a lot like me., I want to make it up to you., Tom's cell phone rang and he answered it., Tom is a man you can rely on., I want you to know who I am., Tom is an old acquaintance of the family., I told Tom to give me a call., I need you to do me a favor., Tom needs to think of a solution quickly., Do we have to be nice to Tom?, I got a B on my French test., Tom kicked the stool out from under Mary., I hope Tom is in a good mood., I hate it as much as you do., Did you know Tom was seeing someone else?, I want to see Tom in an hour., I know as much as I need to., Don't you think Tom might object to this?, I want you to go easy on Tom., I don't know if I can do it., Did Tom ever have any dealings with Mary?, I want to be as happy as Tom., I do this for the fun of it., I think Tom is feeling a little stressed., I want you to be nice to Tom., I'll do it as soon as I can., Tom never really wanted to go to Harvard., I want you to take me to Tom., Can I have a room of my own?, I've already caused Tom a lot of trouble., I hate Tom as much as you do., How did you get to be a cop?, Tom has been studying French a long time.,
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