color - different paints have this physical property that you can see, ductility - copper is stretched into thin wires that can be bent, transparency - a quality of a material that lets 100% of light through, opaque - a material that does not let any light through it, viscosity - how thick a liquid is, translucent - a material that lets some, but not all light through it, hardness - how easy or how hard a material can be scratched, brittleness - how easily something breaks when you bend it, malleable - the ability of a material to be bent and rolled into sheets, state of matter - whether a material is a solid, liquid, or gas, luster - how shiny an object is, metal and polished rocks have this property, reflectivity - how much the surface of an object reflects light, mass - the amount of matter in something, can be measured with a balance, weight - how much gravity affects an object, it is measured with a scale, odor - how something smells, temperature - the amount of heat matter has, can be measured with a thermometer, magnetic - the ability of a material like Iron to be attracted to a magnetic field, texture - how smooth or rough the surface of a material is, volume - how much space an object takes up, it can be measured by multiplying the 3 dimensions, conductivity - having the ability to transfer heat or electrical energy,
Physical Property Examples Around the Home Match
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