barbecue - to cook food by using fire or hot coals on a grill outside, add - to put ingredients together, bake - to cook in an oven using heat and without extra fat, oil, liquid, beat - to stir (usually eggs, cream) quickly to make a smooth mixture, blend - to mix ingridients so that they combine together, often using an appliance, boil - to heat water or another liquid until little bubbles form , break - to separate into smaller parts by using force, chop - to cut into small pieces generally used with vegetables , cook - to prepare food by heating it, so it is not raw and can be eaten, cut - to separate or divide a solid by using a knife, drain - to remove excess liquid from food after washing or cooking it, fry - to cook by putting the food into very hot oil, grate - to divide into smaller parts by rubbing on a serrated surface, knead - to press and strech dough with your hands, measure - to obtain an exact quantity or amount of an ingredient, melt - to make something become liquid through heating, microwave - to heat up or cook food in a special oven, mix - to combine two or more things using a spoon, spatula or electric mixer, peel - to remove the skin or outer layer from fruit or vegetables, pour - to transfer liquid from one container to another, roast - to cook in the oven or over the fire (usually meat or vegetables), scramble - to mix the egg-white and yolk together while cooking them in the pan, sift - to put a fine substance through a sieve to remove lumps or large particles, slice - to cut into thin portions that are of similar size, sprinkle - to cover an object or surface with small drops or particles of a substance, squeeze - to extract a liquid or soft substance from something by compressing it firmly, stir-fry - to cook small pieces of food by moving it quickly in a wok or pan with hot oil, tenderize - to make meat softer and easier to eat by beating it before cooking with a steak hammer, weigh - to measure the weight (grams, pounds) of something, whisk - to stir liquids, eggs with a rapid movement using a fork or a special tool,
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